Junior Member level 3

I have x-hdl 3.2 for linux installed under Redhat 7.3.
For a long time I couldn't even get it to run. I was
getting an "XTEK_HOME" variable not set error message
(even though I was setting the variable correctly)
I finally figured out that you can't (at least I can't) run
x-hdl under the BASH shell. I switched to CSH and
the "variable not set" message went away.
Unfortunately, now I get some weird runtime error
and the program still bombs. I don't think it's even getting
to the point of checking the license file.
Has anyone here been able to get x-hdl to run under RH 7.3???
Can you please help me??
For a long time I couldn't even get it to run. I was
getting an "XTEK_HOME" variable not set error message
(even though I was setting the variable correctly)
I finally figured out that you can't (at least I can't) run
x-hdl under the BASH shell. I switched to CSH and
the "variable not set" message went away.
Unfortunately, now I get some weird runtime error
and the program still bombs. I don't think it's even getting
to the point of checking the license file.
Has anyone here been able to get x-hdl to run under RH 7.3???
Can you please help me??