Help with Sonnet Filtersimulation - guess: Port/GND mistakes

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Newbie level 3
Sep 29, 2009
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I'm trying to EM-Analyze a microstrip-layout I've already checked in MWO earlier.
But now there is a need for a more detailed analyse.

The problems are the results: They do not quite look as they should and I am wondering if the ports and box sizes are the problem.

* I used usual ports (better take internal ones as long as box is _a lot_ bigger than layout?)

*1st try) Box size touching the layout edges
*2nd try) a lot of space between layout and box edges

*error message telling me, I need to autognd, put ports on edges ect.
-> tried "autognd" with both ports - but do I have to define reference planes afterwards if the layout is in the middle of the box, touching nothing?
(of course I have to with usual ports but with gnd reference planes??)

I hope someone can give me some hints on what I did wrong, i attached some files that hopefully show you what I could have done better : /

Kind Regards

Re: Help with Sonnet Filtersimulation - guess: Port/GND mist

Hello Chironex,

Looks like you have made some mistakes in sonnet settings...
Upload your sonnet file (*.son) here so that I can suggest you some settings to get better results...


Hello Manju,

thanks for providing help, but the mistake was already found.

First, my cell size was way too big, which led to shorts in the mesh of the narrow lines (the coupled ones).
And also the feed was too long.

Someone in **broken link removed** board has explained it in detail, if anyone's interested.


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