Help with interview question

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Mar 13, 2015
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Help with interview question - Design test jig for digital circuit

Hello, I have this question for an interview, i'm fully prepared to tell said employer that I have never heard of this before etc, i'm not sure if i'm even supposed to have heard of it. A series of random testing questions, I have done the software one and one about 4 wire resistance testing method.

This one though, its hard to find information on

1:You are tasked to design an interface jig for a high speed digital UUT. What considerations must be made in the design of the jig and its wiring?

I assume the interface jig simply must not interfere with the UUT but how does it interfere? The wiring must be what? Low EMI? Shielded? have decoupling capacitors somewhere?

Thanks in advance :thumbsup:
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A pretty vague question, I understand your confusion. But you can say that the wiring must match the impedance(s) of the UUT. Without knowing more about what you are testing, it's a pretty stupid question. Maybe ask him what color he would like the jig to be.
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This is what I said so far, been working on the other questions. At the very I not wrong in my general statements? I never heard of jig before 2 days ago :/

Yes it's vague. I take it they're getting at general signal integrity issues while transmitting high speed signals over a wire.

So I think the things mentioned so far cover a lot of it. Impedance, shielding, proper termination, wire choice, connector choice etc.
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