Help with ALTIUM OpenBus VGA 32-Bit Controller

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Newbie level 6
May 10, 2011
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Hi everybody

I'd like to know if someone has worked with OpenBus with SwPlatform and the VGA 32-Bit controller OpenBus module in AD10. This because I can´t make it work :-?!! and all examples provided by ALTIUM are with their TFT display on the NB. I'm working with a custom board with a 8-Bit DAC per color and VSync and Hsync directly to the VGA connector.

Can any one help please?

Can you explain your problem in detail.

Hi anilrock87

What's happening is that I'm using the VGA 32-Bit controller in an OpenBus project (**broken link removed**). I have already connected to the OpenBus interconnect and to the OpenBus bus arbitrer, so there is no more configuration to do. In the code I've added in the SwPlatform the corresponding wrapper, driver, graphics contest, and text context required. In my code there is only a "hello world" in order to test the VGA controller. Everything compiles without error, synthesizes without issues and downloads to my FPGA. But when is running I put the oscilloscope at the HSync and VSync lines and both are permanently in "1", I mean there is no video signal.

That's strange because that doesn't depend on the code does it? I think the video signal is in the hardware domain and I don'y know why I haven't video signal.

Up until now that's my main problem, once having that solved I'll go forward and test at code level.

My circuit is very simple, is just three DACs, with their op amps of course, for each of the colors, the VSync and HSync directly to the VGA connector.

There is no problem with the circuit because I have another version done with the 8-bit VGA controller from the FPGA libraries ( VGA - 8-bit VGA Controller.pdf) and it is working fine.
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