help on expressing results of monte carlo simulation

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Member level 5
Jun 28, 2005
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Dear all,
I run with hspice a monte carlo simulation (sweep 60 times). Then I got 60 datas. Then, I encounter a big problem. How to express these results experssingly? In my opinion, a histogram is much more convincing than a graph sported with 60 points. To illustrate these reuslts with data is more clearly than with the density of spots.
So, I got these 60 datas. Does any one of you please give me some suggestions on the tool or the method in dealing with these datas to bulid a histogram. I would like to make a step like 0.005mv to divide the X axis and use the number of spots falling into this division, like -1.075mv to -1.07mv to make a sigle pillar. Then, many pillars will form my histogram.

But, what tool is more suitable to do this work ? And how to do it? I've tried excel, origin, Avanwaves, and spice explorer, but don't know which tool to choose. Would any one of you share your experience with me please?

Thank you in advance.

All tools you refer you could do histogram plots. The single bin of a histogram should contain enough data point to actual show a distribution. So use bin sizes large enough to show >5 data points.
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