Help me with algorithm and sensor for edge detecting robot

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Member level 5
May 7, 2006
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any one can help me for the project edge detecting robot

Re: edge detecting robot

i am curently working on a very basic one that is capable of being upgraded.

what have u got on ur bot so far and what do u still need too doo ?

Re: edge detecting robot

i am curently working on a very basic one that is capable of being upgraded.

can u tell me what kind of sensor and algorithm do u use?
is it working... i'm gonna start similar project soon..
i plan to use infrared and ultrasonic sensor

Re: edge detecting robot

my friends used to do the same project is something about micromouse...i don't really remember the sensors name....but there is one problem with choosing sensors...there is one that is capable of detecting objects up to 5 cm while another one may only detect objects at 1 cm distance...both also have advantage and disadvantage...

for example, if u use the 1cm sensor, then it will be easier to program a bot for it to turn once it has found an edge...but the problem was that when u use high speed motor, it won't have enough time to stop thus crashing the bot to the wall...

on the other hand, if u use the 5 cm sensor, then there will be no problem about the bot crashing the wall...but the program to make the bot turn was quite complicated...

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