Help me use AVR ATmega16 for displaying decimal no on a LCD

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Junior Member level 2
Aug 6, 2004
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AVR A/D question

Hi, I need to measure voltages between about 200 and 260V and display them on an LCD. I will be using a voltage transducer that outputs a relative DC voltage between 0V and 5V.

Im new to microcontrollers, and i have just bought an STK500 board and a couple of ATmega16's. Can someone please give me a quick rundown on how the MCU will read and store the 10bit conversion, and how i would go about outputting the 10bit word as a decimel number on an LCD? I understand so far that i have to load characters into the LCD one at a time, so how do i take a 10bit word that represents say 242.3V and load it one digit at a time into the LCD?

Also, is it possible to use the A/D in the ATmega16 as an 8 bit ADC?

Thanks a lot,


AVR A/D question

First of all, which compiler /IDE you are going to use? BASC0M AVR is very good choice for beginners and it comes with a lot of sample codes. An evaluation version is also available with code limit, but it will be sufficient to get you started with micros. Afterwards, you can switch to C.

Re: AVR A/D question

I'm already sort of familiar with C, so at the moment ive got codevision and AVR studio 4.

Is there any example code around for doing this kind of thing? I cant seem to find any examples that are easy enough to understand.



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