Newbie level 4

I'm doing a project on LED message board. It's only part of my project title. My title required me to write a PC simulation program on LED message board with 3 effects and 3 size selctions. The second part is the LED message board itself, then the third part is the wireless upload from the PC to the LED message board.
I've almost done my first and third parts of my title request, but when it comes to the LED message board, my brain's becoming blank!!! I got a circuit diagram from http://www.geocities.com/neomatrix80/Embeded/prjschem.jpg, but I have no clue how it runs as a whole? I basically know how the shift register work but when it's connected to the microcontroller, all starts confusing. Yet, I'm not that good in assemble programming, thinking of using C or mikroBasic but still, I'm not sure how the port pins should run???
I still have a month before the due date of my project, so PLEASE HELP me!!! It's not necessary to be the circuit I found above, if you have any better suggestions, please share with me!!!
I've almost done my first and third parts of my title request, but when it comes to the LED message board, my brain's becoming blank!!! I got a circuit diagram from http://www.geocities.com/neomatrix80/Embeded/prjschem.jpg, but I have no clue how it runs as a whole? I basically know how the shift register work but when it's connected to the microcontroller, all starts confusing. Yet, I'm not that good in assemble programming, thinking of using C or mikroBasic but still, I'm not sure how the port pins should run???
I still have a month before the due date of my project, so PLEASE HELP me!!! It's not necessary to be the circuit I found above, if you have any better suggestions, please share with me!!!