Newbie level 6

I use ADS to simulat the NFmin vs bias
I am so stupid. I should plot NFmin vd Vbias and I-V curve
but i find someone can only plot NFmin vd Ibias
if someone have an idea, may u give me the ADS example
After i determine the bias and width, i use inductor etc. to match
but the nfmin is changed.why?
can anybody tell me how to design a LNA?
I need help,please give me the ADS example for LNA
Thank you
I am so stupid. I should plot NFmin vd Vbias and I-V curve
but i find someone can only plot NFmin vd Ibias
if someone have an idea, may u give me the ADS example
After i determine the bias and width, i use inductor etc. to match
but the nfmin is changed.why?
can anybody tell me how to design a LNA?
I need help,please give me the ADS example for LNA
Thank you