Help me on Microwave Office

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Newbie level 2
Apr 7, 2004
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Ladays and Gentlemen:

How can I transfer the Microwave Office layout to PADS PCB file?

May I use Microwave Office only to design the PCB of cell phone?

you can use MW office to design circuit layout. There is a direct translation from circuit to layout, provided you link lumped element and other components with appropriate layout (you have to create them seperately).

Did i answer your question?

Maybe I didn't discribe my question.

In my design, there are rf circuit, bias circuit and other circuit such as CPU, how can I design the layout by MWO?

Hi, hare0105
You can transfer the Microwave Office layout to PADS PCB file with export or import by making use of autocad's dxf.

Now the CAMtastic is include in the protel DXP.U can use MWO export the gerber file format. and inport to protel.

I remenber the MWO has a apn about the detail.

MWO layout tool may be okay for small circuits like the PA or LNA. But for the entire phone PCB, the tool is not powerful enough. A typical cellular phone is tightly packed 6 or 8 layers with blind and buried vias. PADS can handle that.

hi i want to import or export from microwave office what i do that it has import or export command at its list of commands

hi i want to import or export from microwave office what i do that it has import or export command at its list of commands

hare0105, if you run simulation for CPW or microstrip circuit, make sure the dimension is properly defined. Check and view the layout by a clicking "layout" shortcut at the top window. you will see the layout converted directly from circuit to layout. If you use any lumped element or active device in your circuit window, which default layout is blank, you will see the distributed layout after conversion. Therefore you have to create them (lumped element or active device)seperately and link to symbol in circuit window.

If the layout is fine, then you can export it in format like dxf, gbr, etc...

abdoeng said:
hi i want to import or export from microwave office what i do that it has import or export command at its list of commands

abdoeng: i don't understand what do you mean...... 8O

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