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help me for AVR training?

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Member level 1
Aug 31, 2009
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I am looking for some training in micro controllers; I would like to know few things as follows:
1. Without any previous knowledge in controllers (I did used 8085 in my college), can i directly jump for AVR training? As I know C?
2. If I got trained in AVR32 will it be possible me to program AVR8, AVR16...?
3. Do Atmel having any training centers in India? Or do they support any other training center in India?
4. Where can I buy development board for AVR32? Do we need separate development boards for AVR8 & AVR16?

Thank you!


Hi nihal,

What you are going to?

Hardware designer or programmer?

If you are expect to become a hardware designer, you should know about each and every basic elements response with respect to both ac and dc as well as in series and parallel. you should know about the transient response also.

For all those things you should either have a lab for testing with advanced testing equipment (Analyzer) or you should capable to handle an EDA software (OrCAD).

If you want training on OrCAD in india, the only authorized training provider is CADD Centre.

Good luck.

Hi nihal,

If you know the C language than it's bit easy to learn the programming with AVR microcontroller.
Just go through the website
If you want to go for some training its better to go for CDAC Embedded course which will helpful for all type of programming. I guess there is no training provided by atmel in India.

Just try for your self download the AVR8, AVR16 data sheet & try to learn.
First you find out the software tools which is useful for your microcontroller after that learn the data type for particular compiler.

Please let me know if you need more information.

Chanchal Chauhan


    Points: 2
    Helpful Answer Positive Rating
Thanks senthilkumar.b..I appreciate you efforts!

Added after 10 minutes:

Hi Chanchal....thanks for your replay and guidance I am going to try and download the data sheet & learn from there. If I get stuck I hope you don’t mind If I contact you again….Thanks!

Sorry but i thought of asking one more thing "what is the difference between c and embedded c?"

what is the difference between c and embedded c?
In the C standard, a standalone implementation doesn't have to provide all of the library functions that a hosted implementation has to provide. The C standard doesn't care about embedded, but vendors of embedded systems usually provide standalone implementations with whatever amount of libraries they're willing to provide.

Embedded C is not part of the C language as such. Rather, it is a C language extension that is the subject of a technical report by the ISO working group named "Extensions for the Programming Language C to Support Embedded Processors" [3]. It aims to provide portability and access to common performance-increasing features of processors used in the domain of DSP and embedded processing. The Embedded C specification for fixed-point, named address spaces, and named registers gives the programmer direct access to features in the target processor, thereby significantly improving the performance of applications. The hardware I/O extension is a portability feature of Embedded C. Its goal is to allow easy porting of device-driver code between systems. In this article, we focus on the performance-improving features of Embedded C.

Hope this will helpful.


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