Help me convert a code from ASM to C

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May 26, 2010
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code from asm to c

hi everyone,
i'm doing my bachelorproject with rfPIC. but microchip does't offer the democode in C, only in asm.
So i tried to translate the code in C. unluckly the Code does't work. can anyone help me find the errors?
thanks a lot!
the code in asm
;   Program Description 
;   This program demonstrates simple command & control and analog 
;   application demonstrations. To see each demonstration the user must 
;   load the appropriate receiver code examples:
;   rcvr_demo.asm
;   When a push button on the transmitter module is depressed, the 
;   corresponding LED is lit on the PICkit(tm) 1 FLASH Starter Kit.
;   Pressing transmitter module push button GP3 lights LED D0 on the
;   PICkit(tm) 1. Pressing push button GP4 lights LED D1.

    list        p=12f675        ; list directive to define processor
    #include    <>   ; processor specific variable definitions

    errorlevel  -302            ; suppress message 302 from list file

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
; Configuration Bits (Section 9.1 Configuration Bits)
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------


; Variables  (Section 2.2 Data Memory Organization)

    ; Data Memory Organization (Section 2.2)
    ; Register locations 0x20 to 0x5F (64 bytes) are General Purpose 
    ; registers, implemented as static RAM and are mapped across both
    ; banks. 

    cblock  0x20

        w_temp                      ; used for context saving 
        status_temp                 ; used for context saving

        TEMP                        ; General Purpose Temporary register

        CSR0                        ; TX buffer shift register


        FuncBits                    ; Function Bits


; Defines

    ; Set up GPIO Port (Section 3.0)
    ; Function of GPIO pins depend on:
    ;   Configuration Bits (CONFIG) (Section 9.1)
    ;   Weak Pull-up Register (WPU) (Section 3.2.1)
    ;   Interrupt-on-change GPIO Register (IOCB) (Section 3.2.2)
    ;   Option Register (OPTION_REG) (Register 4-1)
    ;   TIMER1 Control Register (T1CON) (Register 5-1)
    ;   Comparator Control Register (CMCON) (Section 6.0)
    ;   A/D Control Register (ADCON0) (Section 7.0) (PIC12F675 Only)

#define POT0    GPIO, 0             ; (Analog Input) Potentiometer GP0
#define POT1    GPIO, 1             ; (Analog Input) Potentiometer GP1
#define TXD     GPIO, 2             ; (Output) Transmit Data
#define PB3     GPIO, 3             ; (Input Only) Push button switch GP3
#define PB4     GPIO, 4             ; (Input) Push button switch GP4
#define RFENA   GPIO, 5             ; (Output) RF Enable

    ; Define for TRISIO Register (Section 3.1)
    ; GPIO is an 6-bit wide, bi-directional port. The corresponding data
    ; direction register is TRISIO. Setting a TRISIO bit (= 1) will make
    ; the corresponding GPIO pin and input. Clearing a TRISIO bit (= 0)
    ; will make the corresponding GPIO pin an output. The exception is
    ; GP3, which is input only and its TRIS bit will always read as a '1'.

    ; GPIO Pins = xx543210
#define GPTRIS  B'00011011'

    ; delays/timings

#define TGUARD  D'46'               ; 46 X TE
#define PREAMB  D'16'               ; Preamble length = 16 pulses

; Program Memory

    ; Program Memory Organization (Section 2.1)

        ORG     0x000               ; RESET Vector

        nop                         ; for ICD use
        goto    INITALIZE           ; goto INITALIZE

        ORG     0x004               ; Interrupt Vector

        movwf   w_temp              ; save W register
        swapf   STATUS, W           ; swap status to be saved into W
        bcf     STATUS, RP0         ; ---- Select Bank 0 -----
        movwf   status_temp         ; save STATUS register

; Subroutine: WaitxTE
; Description: 
; Constants: 
; Global Variables: 
; Initialization: W x 400us length of delay required
; Output: Count, Count2   as decrementing counters

        movwf   Count2      ; [1]

        movlw   D'79'       ; [1]
        movwf   Count       ; [1]

        nop                 ; [1]
        nop                 ; [1]
        decfsz  Count,F     ; [1]
         goto    wait400lp  ; [2]
;                          --------
;                         79 x 5 = 395us

        decfsz  Count2,F    ; [1]
         goto    waitxlp    ; [2]

        retlw   0           ; [2]

;                       total 2 (call) + W x (395 + 5) + 2 (return)
;                       w = 1 -> 406us @4MHz
;                       w = 2 -> 806us @4MHz

; Initialize PICmicro (PIC12F675)


; Disable global interrupts during initialization

        bcf     INTCON, GIE         ; disable global interrupts

; Calibrating the Internal Oscillator (Section
; Oscillator Calibration Register (Section
; A calibration instruction is programmed into the last location of
; program memory. This instruction is a RETLW XX, where the literal is
; the calibration value. The literal is placed in the OSCCAL register
; to set the calibration of the internal oscillator.

        bsf     STATUS, RP0         ; ---- Select Bank 1 -----

        call    0x3FF               ; retrieve factory calibration value
        movwf   OSCCAL              ; update register with factory cal value

        bcf     STATUS, RP0         ; ---- Select Bank 0 -----

; GPIO Port (Section 3.0)
; Store GPTRIS value defined above into the TRISIO direction register

        bsf     STATUS, RP0         ; ---- Select Bank 1 -----

        movlw   GPTRIS
        movwf   TRISIO              ; Write to TRISIO register

        bcf     STATUS, RP0         ; ---- Select Bank 0 -----

; Comparator Module (Section 6.0)
; The PIC12F629/675 devices have one analog comparator. The inputs to
; the comparator are multiplexed with the GP0 and GP1 pins. There is 
; an on-chip Comparator Voltage Reference that can also be applied to
; an input of the comparator. In addition, GP2 can be configured as
; the comparator output. The Comparator Control Register (CMCON)
; contains bits to control the comparator. The Voltage Reference
; Control Register (VRCON) controls the voltage reference module.

        ; Comparator Configuration (Figure 6-2)
;        bcf     CMCON, CINV         ; Comparator Output Inversion: not inverted
;        bcf     CMCON, COUT         ; Comparator Output bit: Vin+ < Vin-
;        bcf     CMCON, CIS          ; Comparator Input Switch: Vin- connectos to Cin-

        ; CM2:CM0 = 111 - Comparator Off (lowest power)
        bsf     CMCON, CM2          ; Comparator Mode bit 2
        bsf     CMCON, CM1          ; Comparator Mode bit 1
        bsf     CMCON, CM0          ; Comparator Mode bit 0

        ; VRCON (Register 6-2)
        bsf     STATUS, RP0         ; ---- Select Bank 1 -----

        bcf     VRCON, VREN         ; CVref circuit: powered down, no Idd drain

;        bcf     VRCON, VRR          ; CVref Range Selection: High Range

;        bcf     VRCON, VR3          ; CVref value selection bit 3
;        bcf     VRCON, VR2          ; CVref value selection bit 2
;        bcf     VRCON, VR1          ; CVref value selection bit 1
;        bcf     VRCON, VR0          ; CVref value selection bit 0

        bcf     STATUS, RP0         ; ---- Select Bank 0 -----

; Analog-to-Digital Converter (A/D) Module (Section 7.0) (PIC12F675 Only)
; The analog-to-digital converter (A/D) allows conversion of an analog
; input signal to a 10-bit binary representation of that signal. The
; PIC12F675 has four analog inputs multiplexed into one sample and hold
; circuit. There are two registers to control the functions of the A/D
; module:
;   A/D Control Register (ADCON0)
;   Analog Select Register (ANSEL)
; Note: When using GPIO pins as analog inputs, ensure the TRISIO register
;       bits are set (= 1) for input.

        bcf     ADCON0, ADFM        ; A/D Result Formed: left justified
        bcf     ADCON0, VCFG        ; Voltage Reference: Vdd
        bcf     ADCON0, ADON        ; ADC is shut-off and consumes no operating current

        bsf     STATUS, RP0         ; ---- Select Bank 1 -----

        ; select A/D Conversion Clock Source: Fosc/8
        bcf     ANSEL, ADCS2        ; A/D Conversion Clock Select bit 2
        bcf     ANSEL, ADCS1        ; A/D Conversion Clock Select bit 1
        bsf     ANSEL, ADCS0        ; A/D Conversion Clock Select bit 0

        ; select GPIO pins that will be analog inputs: GP0/AN0, GP1/AN1
        bcf     ANSEL, ANS3         ; Analog Select GP4/AN3: digital I/O
        bcf     ANSEL, ANS2         ; Analog Select GP2/AN2: digital I/O
        bcf     ANSEL, ANS1         ; Analog Select GP1/AN1: analog input
        bcf     ANSEL, ANS0         ; Analog Select GP0/AN0: analog input

        bcf     STATUS, RP0         ; ---- Select Bank 0 -----

; TIMER1 Module with Gate Control (Section 5.0)
; The TIMER1 Control Register (T1CON) is used to enable/disable TIMER1
; and select various features of the TIMER1 module.

        bcf     T1CON, TMR1ON       ; TIMER1: stopped

        bcf     T1CON, TMR1CS       ; TIMER1 Clock Source Select: Internal Clock (Fosc/4)

        bcf     T1CON, NOT_T1SYNC   ; TIMER1 External Clock Input Sync Control: Syncronize external clock input

        ; T1OSCEN only if INTOSC without CLKOUT oscillator is active, else ignored
        bcf     T1CON, T1OSCEN      ; LP Oscillator Enable Control: LP oscillator off

        ; TIMER1 Input Prescale Select: 1:1
        bcf     T1CON, T1CKPS1      ; TIMER1 Input Clock Prescale Select bit 1
        bcf     T1CON, T1CKPS0      ; TIMER1 Input Clock Prescale Select bit 0

        ; TMR1GE only if TMR1ON = 1, else ignored
        bcf     T1CON, TMR1GE       ; TIMER1 Gate Enable: on

; Weak Pull-up Register (WPU) (Section 3.2.1)
; Each of the GPIO pins, except GP3, has an individually configurable
; weak internal pull-up. Control bits WPUx enable or disable each 
; pull-up. Refer to Register 3-1. Each weak pull-up is automatically
; turned off when the port pin is configured as an output. The pull-ups
; are disabled on a Power-on Reset by the NOT_GPPU bit (see OPTION_REG below).

        bsf     STATUS, RP0         ; ---- Select Bank 1 -----

;     GPIO Pins = xx54x210
        movlw   B'00010000'         ; GP4 pull-up enabled
        movwf   WPU

        bcf     STATUS, RP0         ; ---- Select Bank 0 -----

; OPTION Register (OPTION_REG) (Section
; TIMER0 Module (Section 4.0)
; The OPTION_REG contains control bits to configure:
;   Weak pull-ups on GPIO (see also WPU Register above)
;   External GP2/INT interrupt
;   TMR0
;   TMR0/WDT prescaler

        bsf     STATUS, RP0         ; ---- Select Bank 1 -----

        bcf     OPTION_REG, NOT_GPPU  ; GPIO pull-ups: enabled

        bsf     OPTION_REG, INTEDG  ; Interrupt Edge: on rising edge of GP2/INT pin

        bcf     OPTION_REG, T0CS    ; TMR0 Clock Source: internal instruction cycle (CLKOUT)
        bcf     OPTION_REG, T0SE    ; TMR0 Source Edge: increment low-to-high transition on GP2/T0CKI pin

        bcf     OPTION_REG, PSA     ; Prescaler Assignment: assigned to TIMER0

        ; TMR0 Prescaler Rate: 1:2
        bcf     OPTION_REG, PS2     ; Prescaler Rate Select bit 2
        bcf     OPTION_REG, PS1     ; Prescaler Rate Select bit 1
        bcf     OPTION_REG, PS0     ; Prescaler Rate Select bit 0

        bcf     STATUS, RP0         ; ---- Select Bank 0 -----

; Interrupt-on-Change Register (IOCB) (Section 3.2.2)
; Each of the GPIO pins is individually configurable as an interrupt-
; on-change pin. Control bits IOCBx enable or disable the interrupt 
; function for each pin. Refer to Register 3-2. The interrupt-on-change
; is disabled on a Power-on Reset.
; Note: Global interrupt enables (GIE and GPIE) must be enabled for
;       individual interrupts to be recognized.

        bsf     STATUS, RP0         ; ---- Select Bank 1 -----

    ; GPIO Pins = xx543210
        movlw   b'00011000'
        movwf   IOCB                ; Interrupt-on-change enabled: GP3, GP4

        bcf     STATUS, RP0         ; ---- Select Bank 0 -----

; Peripheral Interrupt Enable Register (PIE1) (Section
; The PIE1 register contains peripheral interrupt enable bits.
; Note: The PEIE bit (INTCON<6>) must be set to enable any 
;       peripheral interrupt.

        bsf     STATUS, RP0         ; ---- Select Bank 1 -----

        bcf     PIE1, EEIE          ; EE Write Complete Interrupt: disabled
        bcf     PIE1, ADIE          ; A/D Converter Interrupt (PIC12F675 Only): disabled
        bcf     PIE1, CMIE          ; Comparator Interrupt: disabled
        bcf     PIE1, TMR1IE        ; TMR1 Overflow Interrupt: disabled

        bcf     STATUS, RP0         ; ---- Select Bank 0 -----

; Interrupt Control Register (INTCON) (Section
; The INTCON register contains enable and disable flag bits for TMR0
; register overflow, GPIO port change and external GP2/INT pin 
; interrupts.

        bcf     INTCON, PEIE        ; disable Peripheral Interrupt Enable bit
        bcf     INTCON, T0IE        ; disable TMR0 Overflow Interrupt Enable bit
        bcf     INTCON, INTE        ; disable GP2/INT External Interrupt Enable bit
        bsf     INTCON, GPIE        ; enable Port Change Interrupt Enable bit

;        bcf     INTCON, GIE         ; disable global interrupts

; Main Program


        bcf     RFENA           ; Disable Transmitter
        bsf     INTCON, GIE     ; enable global interrupts

; Scan push buttons


        movlw   0x00            ; load zero into W
        movwf   FuncBits        ; clear Function Bits register

        btfsc   PB3             ; Push Button GP3 pressed?
         goto   SPB1
        movlw   0x23            ; Function S0 selected
        iorwf   FuncBits, F


        movlw   0xFF
        andwf   FuncBits, W     ; Was any switch depressed?
        btfss   STATUS, Z
         goto    XMIT            ; Yes, transmit buffer

        bcf     RFENA           ; No, disable Transmitter
        sleep                   ; Put PICmicro to sleep
        goto    SCANPB          ; Upon wake-up on pin change, scan push buttons

; fill in transmission buffer


        bsf     RFENA           ; Enable Transmitter

        movlw   0x73            ; send Serial number  
        movwf   CSR0

        movfw   FuncBits        ; send Function Bits
        movwf   CSR1

                                ; send 16-bit Counter
                                ; send analog value (this is modified from the fixed 
                                ;   KeeLoq(r) protocol; these two fields are normally 
                                ;   used for 16-bit counter value)

        movfw   0x00          ; ADRESL Result
        movwf   CSR2

        movfw   0x00          ; ADRESH Result
        movwf   CSR3

        movlw   0x56            ; send 32-bit serial number 1 (ignored by receiver)
        movwf   CSR4

        movlw   0x34
        movwf   CSR5

        movlw   0x12
        movwf   CSR6

        movlw   0x20
        movwf   CSR7

        movlw   0x55            ; send Flags
        movwf   CSR8

; Transmission Loop


        ; send preamble (50% duty cycle)

        movlw   PREAMB
        movwf   BitCount        ; init number of preamble bits

        bsf     TXD             ; ON
        movlw   1
        call    WaitxTE         ; delay
        bcf     TXD             ; OFF
        movlw   1
        call    WaitxTE         ; delay

        decfsz  BitCount,F      ; loop
        goto    PreL
; sync pause

        movlw   D'10'           ; Theader = 10 x Te
        call    WaitxTE
; send 72 bit pattern

        movlw   CSR0            ; lsb first 
        movwf   FSR
        movlw   D'8'
        movwf   BitCount

        rrf     INDF,W           ; 8 bit rotate
        rrf     INDF,F           ; Carry contain lsb
        BC      ONE
        movlw   2               ; 
        movwf   TimeHi          ;   +---+---+   +--
        movlw   1               ;   |       |   |
        movwf   TimeLo          ;---+       +---+
        goto    Trasm_BIT       ;   |  2Te   Te |

        movlw   1               ;              
        movwf   TimeHi          ;   +---+       +--
        movlw   2               ;   |   |       |
        movwf   TimeLo          ;---+   +---+---+
                                ;   | Te   2Te  |
        bsf     TXD             ; ON
        movf    TimeHi,W          
        call    WaitxTE

        bcf     TXD             ; OFF
        movf    TimeLo,W          
        call    WaitxTE

        decfsz  BitCount,F
        goto    TXNextBit       ; loop on bits

        incf    FSR,F
        movlw   CSR8+1          ; check if finished
        xorwf   FSR,W
        andlw   0x1F
        BNZ     TXNextByte

; guard time
        movlw   TGUARD
        call    WaitxTE

        goto    SCANPB          ; go back and scan for push button presses

; Data EEPROM Memory (Section 8.0)
; PIC12F629/675 devices have 128 bytes of data EEPROM with address
; range 0x00 to 0x7F.

        ; Initialize Data EEPROM Memory locations

;        ORG 0x2100
;        DE  0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03

; Calibrating the Internal Oscillator (Section
; Oscillator Calibration Register (OSCCAL) (Section
; The below statements are placed here so that the program can be
; simulated with MPLAB SIM.  The programmer (PICkit or PROMATE II)
; will save the actual OSCCAL value in the device and restore it.
; The value below WILL NOT be programmed into the device.

        org     0x3ff
        retlw    0x80

        end                         ; end of program directive

the code in C
#include    <pic.h>
#include <htc.h>	// Required to interface with delay routines
#define uchar unsigned char
#define uint  unsigned int

//Config: no code or data protect, no brownout detect, ext reset, power-up timer enabled, watchdog, 4MHz int clock 

#define POT0    GPIO0
#define POT1    GPIO1
#define TXD     GPIO2
#define BUTTON3 GPIO3
#define BUTTON4 GPIO4
#define RFENA   GPIO5

#define rf_ON  RFENA=1;TRISIO=0
#define rf_OFF RFENA=0;TRISIO=0      

#define DATA_BYTES         9        // number of bytes in data part of transmission message

#define Serial_number      0x73  
#define FuncBits           0x23

#ifndef _XTAL_FREQ
 // Unless already defined assume 4MHz system frequency
 // This definition is required to calibrate __delay_us() and __delay_ms()
 #define _XTAL_FREQ 4000000

void Init();
void Xmit_One();
void Xmit_Zero();
void Preamble();
void Header();
void TransmitBytes();
void TGuard();
void Transmit_Data();
uchar data_array[DATA_BYTES]; // data for transmission

//*********************** CODE WORD FORMAT ****************************
//    _   _   _   _               _    __   _        __   _           _
//   | | | | | | | |             | |  |  | | |      |  | | |         | 
//   | |_| |_| |_| |_____________| |__|  |_| |_/  /_|  |_| |_________|  
//                                            /  /   
//   |--PREAMBLE---|---HEADER----|---------DATA------------|--GUARD--|
//                                                            TIME
// *********************************************************************

// *********************** DATA FORMAT *********************************
// // 
// bytes |        DATA1          |        DATA0          |
// bits  | 7| 6| 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| 0| 7| 6| 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| 0| 
// desc. |S2|S1|S0|S3| 0| 0|      SERIAL NUMBER          | 
// bytes |        DATA3          |        DATA2          |
// bits  | 7| 6| 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| 0| 7| 6| 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| 0| 
// desc. |            Temperature  Data                  |
// * S3 Not used
// *********************************************************************

//  Init
void Init(void)
        GIE = 0;

//transmitting a logic one via RF                           
                                               //   +---+       +--
                                               //   |   |       |
                                               //---+   +---+---+
                                               //   | Te|  2Te  |
void Xmit_One()
     uchar	i;
     __delay_us(400);     //Delay 400us;                               
     __delay_us(800);   //Delay 800us;

//transmitting a logic zero via RF             //   +---+---+   +--
                                               //   |       |   |
                                               //---+       +---+
                                               //   |  2Te  | Te|
void Xmit_Zero()
{   uchar i;
     __delay_us(800);  //Delay 800us;
     __delay_us(400);  //Delay 400us;

// transmit Preamble of transmission message
void Preamble()         
   uchar BitCount;
   uchar i;
   for (BitCount=0; BitCount<16; BitCount++)     
            __delay_us(400);  //Delay 400us;
            __delay_us(400);   //Delay 400us;


// transmit header bits of transmission message 
//Sync Pulse (Wait 10 TE)
void Header()        

// transmit 72 bits of data 
// for each of 9 bytes of data
void TransmitBytes()  
   uchar x;
   uchar i;
   for (x=0; x<DATA_BYTES; x++)     //DATA_BYTES=9
      // for each bit in the byte
     	for (i=0; i<8; i++)
   		if (data_array[x] & 0x80)		// (load the data) - mask all but MSB
            Xmit_One();          //the carry bit = 1, transmit the bit
            Xmit_Zero();         //the carry bit = 0, transmit the bit

   		data_array[x] = (data_array[x] << 1);				// roll the bits one place to the left.

// Wait 46 TE’s for the Guard Time;transmit no data 
//   for guard time  46*400us=92*200us=18400us
void TGuard()
  uchar a;
  __delay_ms(18);    //Delay Guardtime=46*Te


void Transmit_Data()
// turn on rf transmitter
// Format the data string to be transmitted
   data_array[0] = 0x73;
   data_array[1] = 0x23;
   data_array[2] = 0x00;
   data_array[3] = 0x00;
   data_array[4] = 0x56;
   data_array[5] = 0x34;
   data_array[6] = 0x12;
   data_array[7] = 0x20;
   data_array[8] = 0x55;

// transmit Preamble of transmission message

// transmit header bits of transmission message /Sync Pulse (Wait 10 TE)

// transmit 32 bits of data 
// for each of 4 bytes of data

// Wait 46 TE’s for the Guard Time;transmit no data for guard time  46*400us=92*200us=18400us


void main()
          // turn off rf transmitter

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