help! Led Matrix Row Transistor

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how about the 74hc595.. because its output iz only 35mA

Since you control the rows and in every given moment only one of them is on you don't have a problem because
each 74hc595 output pin controls one column and can light only one led (10ma).
see my example when the first row is on

There is also the max of 70mA for the power supply of 74hc595 (total current of all outputs), because you are very close to that when all the columns will be on you can reduce the led current from 10ma to 8ma or 9ma


i think the picture iz wrong because my rows is in cathode and my columns is in cathode.. and my rows is 14 not 7..

it doesn't matter how many rows you have or how many columns, the polarity doesn't make a difference either,
I have posted the picture above to show you that every pin of the 74hc595 output will be able to light only one column led in the active row.


so if were to light the 14 leds in one column, it will only require 10mA?

I don't understand how you have written the code for your design and you use multiplexing when you don't have a basic understanding of what it is.
I have explained many times in the previous posts that ONLY ONE ROW IS ACTIVE AT ANY GIVEN MOMENT, you can only light columns in that row.
It is not possible to light "14 leds in one column", this would mean that all 14 row are on and this is not possible when multiplexing the rows.
You can only light all the columns in the active row and for each led one output of the 74hc595 will provide 10mA.

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