help in avr programmer

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Full Member level 4
Dec 19, 2009
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i want to use zif socket. to programe all avr mcu size.
but i can't find the avr zif circuit in google.

thank alexxx :-D thank alexan_e :-D
for helping me
yes i want it for usbasp

i can't find zif schematic i found only pcb layout


i found this schematic only ???

5282604 said:
i found this schematic only ???

This schematic is included as Proteus design in the attached file of the link Alex gave and as I did also as link through link. In the same attached a proteus PCB is also included, hex files, and drivers. If you don't use Proteus, then no gerber files included to construct the board and you should design the board by yourself.

I wasn't able to find any schematic either and the proteus files can't be opened, I have never downloaded this in the past but it seems incomplete :sad:

I wasn't able to find any schematic either and the proteus files can't be opened, I have never downloaded this in the past but it seems incomplete :sad:
Mine opens just fine. Those are the gerber files. I don't use Proteus CAD tool, I hope I made this right, it looked pretty simple.
View attachment usbasp-zif_drills_gerbers.rar
View attachment designs pdf.rar

I also didn't test this thread's construction (I think that Show DIY is the proper section for it and not microcontrollers). Complains about Proteus 7.3 are raised in this thread as well, but still it is a good reference and worths a try, it looks complete. In any case, together with the above gerber files someone has everything he needs to start.

Good luck.
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I think you have downloaded a different file, did you try with the file from ?
The same file (it is the latest ) can also be downloaded directly from the website of the designer

Every other file opens fine except from the LYT (ARES) and DSN (ISIS).
I have tried with v7.8

alexan_e said:
I think you have downloaded a different file
Yes that's true, I downloaded file uploaded by the OP. I opened it with 7.5. For our convenience I am uploading it again:
View attachment
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The content of the DSN fle is as shown in post #7 so it is not a complete schematic that explains the circuit of the PCB.
The archive that I have pointed to included the PCB file and a different isis file (I think) which I suppose is the complete schematic but can't be opened.
If there is no complete schematic you have to combine the USBasp schematic with the socket schematic.
I have send a PM to Gevv about this problem.

If you put together the schematic of post #7 and the usbasp_devre.pdf file inside Devre_Sema folder of the attahced rar in post #12, then you have the PCB. I agree that showing three MCUs instead of a 40 pin socket in the schematic is kind of confusing. Since he chose this representation, he should have included one more MCU with 40 pins. This makes it even more confusing. Finally there is a hex file for ATmega48 which seems to have no use. It was nice of you Alex to sent a PM to Gevv, I think maybe he could clear things a bit.

I cannot swear that the hex file and drivers are working perfectly, but the project (together with the uploaded gerbers) seems to include all the necessary parts. It is now this thread's OP responsibility to start this project or not. The reference is still there. In any case googling didn't gave so much results on this, so due to the lack of references, I still think it worths a try. Let's not forget that the original post was focusing on schematic only and at the end much more things were provided (hex, drivers, gerbers).

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