help,IC5141 ON ubuntu 7.10

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Newbie level 4
Feb 5, 2008
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ic5141 ubuntu

Hi all,
I have installed IC5141usr4 on Ubuntu 7.10 successful,and can work.
But when i run PDRACULA ,there is a error :

/tools/cds5/tools/dracula/bin/32bit/PDRACULA: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Below is my .bashrc file:

# sources /etc/bash.bashrc).

if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then
. /etc/bash_completion

export CDSDIR=/tools/cds5
export CDS_ROOT=/tools/cds5/
export CDS_INST_DIR=/tools/cds5/
export CDS_INSTALL_DIR=/tools/cds5/tools/dfII
export CDS_LIC_FILE=$CDS_ROOT/share/license/license.dat
export PATH=$CDS_ROOT/tools/bin:$CDS_INSTALL_DIR/bin:$CDS_ROOT/tools/spectre/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/lib:/tools/cds5/tools/dfII/bin:/tools/cds5/tools/plot/bin:/tools/cds5/tools/dracula/bin:$PATH
export CDS_Netlisting_Mode Analog

is this right?

Below is my result after type $ldd PDRACULA

zephyr@B1953:/tools/cds5/tools/dracula/bin/32bit$ ldd ./PDRACULA => (0xffffe000) => /tools/cds5//tools.lnx86/lib/ (0xb7f64000) => /tools/cds5//tools.lnx86/lib/ (0xb7f3f000) => /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ (0xb7f19000) => /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ (0xb7f15000) => not found => not found => /tools/cds5//tools.lnx86/lib/ (0xb7f0d000) => /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ (0xb7dc2000)
/lib/ (0xb7f85000)

who can tell me how to solve this problem? Thanks a lot!!

how to install cadence on ubuntu

no one knows?

ic5141 on ubuntu

Hello geniusstation.

I'm trying to install IC5033 on Centus 5 without sucess. The follow message appears when i try to install:

Generating detailed installation data...

Determining available disk space
sort: open failed: +2: No such file or directory
Determining required disk space

Disk checks successful

(says which cds are required, extract program controls, etc....)

Checking data files...

Executing control programs (pre-load) ...
sort: open failed: +3: No such file or directory
expr: syntax error

SL-8: No information available on :.
Call the Cadence Customer Response Center (CRC) at 1-800-Cadenc2
(1-800-223-3622) to get the right /usr/local/cadence/ic610/install/tmp/mediaMap.lnx86 file.

Do you know hot to fix it?

I can also try install Ubuntu 7.10 and IC5141 like you have done. Do you have the instructions to to that?


ic5141 ubuntu install

here is my process:

First install necessary software:

$sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre
$sudo apt-get install portmap
$sudo apt-get install csh
$sudo apt-get install libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2

Then install Cadence:

mount into your install disk
run $sudo ./SETUP.SH
type the path your want to install
then quit when 'softload' running
cd to the folders you type ,find 'install' 'bin.lnx86'
modify the ‘io_fltr.c’ file

edit “bin/zcat" into "/bin/uncompress -c" (in line 68 )
add #define lnx86 (in line 54)
add #include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h> (in line 33)

modify the 'process_file.c’ file

edit '1280' into '10000' (in line 511)

modify the 'vld' file
delete ‘+2’and '-3’ (in line 424 and 425)

finaly run $gcc -o io_fltr io_fltr.c
$gcc -o process_file process_file.c

Now you can start install
run $sudo ./softload (under the folder 'bin.lnx86')

and follow this step
1 load available products

1 local

2 other

n don't view readme file

4 cadence catalog

a all of the above

2 list installed products

3 linux operating system(lnx86)


Added after 2 minutes:

finaly you should edit the '.bashrc' file like me,but this just can run cadence ,can not run PDRACULA

installing cadence on ubuntu

Thanks for the instructions geniusstation.

As soon as i get IC5141, i'll try it on ubuntu 7.10. By the way, is it better to use ubuntu 7.10 instead for Centus 5?


ic5141 on centos 5

sorry,i have not install IC5141 on other OS,so i also don't know which is better...

but i think redhat 9 is a good enviorment for IC5141,or SUN Solaris...

cadence ic5141 ubuntu

Ok geniusstation.

Before i try IC5141 on Ubuntu 7.10, i'll try Centos 5, that it's already installed in my computer.

thanks... ubuntu

Hello geniusstation

I downloaded IC5141 but i couldn't installed because there are only 3 CDROMs. I also tried again to install IC5033 on Centus 5 but the follow message appears:

Are your selections correct? [y/n] y

Generating detailed installation data...

Determining available disk space
sort: erro abrindo arquivo: +2: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado
Determining required disk space

Disk checks successful

The following products will be installed or updated.
The following media is required:

IC5033 lnx86 P/N 356-70352-0301 CDROM # 1
IC5033 lnx86 P/N 356-70352-0302 CDROM # 2
IC5033 lnx86 P/N 356-70352-0303 CDROM # 3
IC5033 lnx86 ISR 200406181244 CDROM # 1
IC5033 lnx86 ISR 200406181244 CDROM # 2
IC5033 lnx86 ISR 200406181244 CDROM # 3

Press [Return] to proceed, q to quit :

Updating package installation information...................

Checking data files...

Executing control programs (pre-load) ...
sort: erro abrindo arquivo: +3: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado
expr: erro de sintaxe

SL-8: No information available on :.
Call the Cadence Customer Response Center (CRC) at 1-800-Cadenc2
(1-800-223-3622) to get the right /CADENCE_IC5033/install/tmp/mediaMap.lnx86 file.

Does anybody knows hot to fix this?

ic5141 ld_library_path ubuntu

Does anybody know how to solve this problem?

ubuntu ic5141

Hello guys....i installed sucesfully cadence IC610 on Centos 5. I have the MMSIM61 Cd's, but i didn't install them yet. How can i install MMSIM61 to run spectre simulator on IC610? Thanks...

ic5141 centos ld

To afp2008
add setenv _POSIX2_VERSION '199209' to your .cshrc

ubuntu ic5141

Hello None34...thanks....i've added the line to my bashrc file and the installation is ok now, but, i can't run cadence because of the problem glibc problem: . I'm trying to run IC5141 on Ubuntu now. I have the IC610 installed on Centos 5 and runs perfectly, but the IC610 don't have spectre simulator. I have the CD's to install MMSIM61, but when i run the installation, installscape says that there's no products to install. Can you help me? Thanks...

ic5141 on ubuntu 7.10

ubuntu 7.1 is using glibc 2.4+, user4 is ok for that, but you have change alot of format if you migrate from older version of cadence, USER4 and above got a lot diff from prevous version, so I am still using older version. btw, nowadays, ppl just use assura and calibre,or herculas.....diva dna dracular are old.

ic5033 + sudo apt-get install sun

Have you tried searching inside of your /usr/lib folder to see if is there?
You can try to search on the net for that library, usually the missing libraries are from relatively old RedHat distros so try to find the RPM that has the lib you want, extract the file with file roller and put it inside /usr/lib (you can copy it there with the name the program wants or copy it there with the full name+version and create a symlink with the name the program is looking for).
I know it's a hassle, I'm using the AMD64 version of Ubuntu 7.10 and hunting for RPMs with with the missing libraries is becoming a habit unfortunately, these programs really don't keep up with the fast evolution of Linux.
Also, taking a look inside the scripts and commenting any LD_ASSUME_KERNEL may help, more recent versions of JAVA really don't like that, I had to comment a few of those (and get a missing library) to make the help of IC5141 work.

Good luck.

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