Help enhance SMS remote control

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Newbie level 1
Apr 10, 2008
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sms remote control

Hi, guys,

I need your help please. I am working on a project that involves sms based remote control of home appliances, but this time it is enhanced.

The plan is to have a home-based GSM phone connected to a PIC which will be connected to a relay that controls the switching on/off of appliances based on the instruction sent to the PIC through the GSM phone. I am thinking of using optocouplers instead of relays. Please advise.

I am planning to include password security in my device but I don't know how to. Please advise.

I am planning to make the device to be a closed loop system, that is, one that involves feedback, it sends "message received reports at time ..." and you can even query for the status of any device, whether on, or off, but I don't know how to go about it. Any suggestion will be deeply appreciated.

I hope to give the device preset-timing feature, that is, you can send a message to the PIC to switch off cooker in 30 minutes or at 7:30. I am just about to start learning about PIC. Do you think I will need an external means of keeping a record of time or can I achieve this with purely programming? What do you think?

In environments where power supply can be very unstable and sometimes unacceptably high, I am planning to have a system that can monitor and compare the supply voltage to a reference value and switch off appliances in the event of an overvoltage. When conditions return to normal, after monitoring the voltage for some time, it switches the appliances on. I don't have schematics yet. Yes, I have seen 8051 projects on sms based switching but I have not seen anyone that has used a PIC in this line before. Pleeeeeeaaaaassssseee help me. I am in dire and urgent need of working circuit diagrams and a general way forward. Anything, links, hints, tips, ideas, anything of help will be appreciated.

Expecting your reply soon.


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