help about the initial condition setting with SpectreS.

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Newbie level 3
Jan 28, 2005
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Hi everybody,
I have some problems about the initial condition setting with SpectreS.
What I have is memory array with 1024 cells. I would like to initialize
each cell with either 1 or 0.

With SpectreS, the only way I know is to use the convergency option and
then click the node. Is there any other way which is more efficient? Do
I really need to setup 1024 cells one by one with SpectreS? It is
really painful.

Another problem is also about the initial condition. Is there any way I
can reload the currents and voltage from the last run to the current
simulation. Let the simulation start from the point it ends last time.
Thank you very much for your help!



I don't know exactly abt the SpectreS. But I used the Initial conditions to set the nodes of a ring oscillator in the SPECTRE simulation in the Cadence Analog Design Environment IC5.0. It is like specifying the node voltages in a seperate file which in your case may be generated any simple C program for the 1024 nodes and assign a value for each node against it(Don't use = inbetween for assigning).
then you specify in 'readic' the text file name. But for that I think your nodes must be of continuous numbers to generate it with a C program. Let me know first your version of the Cadence.


The version I am using is Cadence IC 4.4.6. In spectre(standalone), I might use .IC to write the initial condition voltage to the nodes. That's the only thing I know. I did not use spectre since it is really advanced for me. But I know it give more power and flexibility in simulation. SpectreS is spectre + GUI, my understanding.


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