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[AVR] Hacking IR Remote and controlling the TV using Arduino UNO, TSOP and IR LED

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Newbie level 2
Oct 30, 2013
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Karachi, Pakistan, Pakistan
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I want to control a TV (any genre) from Arduino UNO, instead of the remote of the TV. For this purpose I am trying to get the signals from Remote into arduino and then transmit the same codes from Arduino using an IR LED to the TV. For this purpose, I am following this tutorial
However, I have decoded the signals and have got ON/OFF time in microseconds, according to the program but when I am trying to send the signals to TV, it is not working that is I am unabled to control the TV using Arduino and IR LED.

What is the mistake that I am making?

Once you "see" the signal the remote control sends to the TV the only thing you have to do is save it in a few bits and transmit it again with the correct timing.

The transmission bit-to-bit delay can be measured so you can obtain that timing to send the data synchronically.

If you save the data bits in a "int" (16bit or 2 bytes variable) you could output the logic state of a bit in any pin and use the "<<" operator to send the next bit after a time you have already measured.

You must be wrong with the timing. If not, check the emitter LED: What kind is it in the remote control? Sometimes an about 33KHz emitter is used to avoid ambient light in the receiver.
What is the mistake that I am making?

Get a logic analyzer. Measure the output of the remote. Then connect the logic analyzer to the output pin on your microcontroller to see if it is doing what it should.
You could make your own logic analyzer with a parallel port or a MCU with a huge memory to save the adquired data and USB or serial communication to a pc. To search is a good option..


i used this PC software to decod an IR telecommande for Pellets Heater.
. successfuly to find out the coding and then decode it with a PIC
need only a photodiode (PGH1) direct connected on Micro input of cardsound..
this test describeb HERE

Check if the data sent by the MCU equals the one you measured with the sofware. Then, if it does check if the LED is emitting (with a cell phone camera you should see a violet light in the screen).

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