H-Bridge PWM question

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Aug 6, 2009
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pwm h bridge

Hi everyone. First of all, I would like to say that theses forums are very useful for an electrical engineer student like me and thank all the admins, moderators and users.

For my first post, I hope someone can reassure me regarding H-bridge chip I'm planning to buy. Indeed, with my partner, we are building a CNC machine and obviously we need to buy H-bridge for the motor control. We are intested in one H-bridge in particular from STMicroelectronics :
**broken link removed**

You can also click on the datasheet link on that page. We would like to know if this chip can receive a PWM input as one would normally think of an H-brige. Yet, there's no mention of any PWM in the datasheet.

Thank you.

h-bridge pwm


Welcome to the forum, sure you will find it a source of good info.

Although CNC is covered to some degree in these pages I would suggest you also visit the CNCZONE - it is one of the best sites for CNC - I know people who have successfully built complete 3 axis cnc machines from the plans shown on that site.

Regarding your actual question about that chip - its not one I have used, but your point about PWM to its inputs - well there are two distinct types of H bridge drivers.

One is where the main micro provides all the control pulses including a PWM signal to a driver chip, that is mainly output transistor stages.

The other method is to use a driver chip with powerful logic built in, this generates all its own pwm signals etc, the main micro just sends simple start/stop type control signals.

Three very popular chips that demonstrate my point are the L293, L297 and L298.


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