Junior Member level 1

I am interesting in measuring small changes in group delay through an RF receiver module. The module is simply just a string of amps, attenuators, limiters, filters etc (no frequency conversion). Frequencies of interest are around 100MHz.
I initially used a vector network analyser to measure the group delay but this gives a very noisy result, even after using low IF bandwidth, increasing aperture points etc and making sure not to use too many sweep points (as this increases noise since GD=-dP/dF).
The VNA measurement gives a good idea of the absolute group delay and group delay change over wider frequency spans, but I need to try and measure down to 0.05ns/MHz and the noise is too high using a VNA for this.
I have now tried this measurement in the time domain - taking a CW signal from a signal generator, splitting the signal, with one path going to CH1 of the scope, and the other path going through the DUT and then into CH2. I then simply measure the time delay between the waveforms.
The problem is I am getting very different results to the VNA. With the VNA I was seeing about 0.5ns change between 60-80MHz, but with the scope I am measuring more like 3.5ns, which is WAY out of spec.
Does anyone have any idea why I am seeing such different results? Also, am I really measuring group delay by simply doing a time delay measurement on the waveforms? Or do I need to measure phase change and divide by frequency change? (I have done this and the results are even more strange).
I have removed the DUT from the measurement to check if it is a inherent measurement issue with either the scope or splitter but it doesn't seem to be.
Thanks in advance,
I initially used a vector network analyser to measure the group delay but this gives a very noisy result, even after using low IF bandwidth, increasing aperture points etc and making sure not to use too many sweep points (as this increases noise since GD=-dP/dF).
The VNA measurement gives a good idea of the absolute group delay and group delay change over wider frequency spans, but I need to try and measure down to 0.05ns/MHz and the noise is too high using a VNA for this.
I have now tried this measurement in the time domain - taking a CW signal from a signal generator, splitting the signal, with one path going to CH1 of the scope, and the other path going through the DUT and then into CH2. I then simply measure the time delay between the waveforms.
The problem is I am getting very different results to the VNA. With the VNA I was seeing about 0.5ns change between 60-80MHz, but with the scope I am measuring more like 3.5ns, which is WAY out of spec.
Does anyone have any idea why I am seeing such different results? Also, am I really measuring group delay by simply doing a time delay measurement on the waveforms? Or do I need to measure phase change and divide by frequency change? (I have done this and the results are even more strange).
I have removed the DUT from the measurement to check if it is a inherent measurement issue with either the scope or splitter but it doesn't seem to be.
Thanks in advance,