GPS: How to Selec one of (GLL, GGA, RMC, VTG, GSV, GSA)

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Newbie level 3
Nov 4, 2011
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for Protocol: NMEA 0183
for activated message : GLL, GGA, RMC, VTG, GSV, GSA

does this mean that all of the above foramts (GLL, GGA, RMC, VTG, GSV, GSA) are used one at atime? i.e. does the GPS send it's datat using these format one at a time ? (that doesnt make sense)

or do we have to select (somehow program the chip) for one of these formats (e.g. VTG) and then the GPS will be sending data in that format only.

the data from the gps

I have some experience working with the ublox LEA-4t. If i recall correctly the GLL, GGA........are nmea sentences. The gps you are using will send a bunch of information. You select the one that are important to you.

Thanks for your reply
But just to be sure

Are you saying the GPS by default will send data through all the above formats ((GLL, GGA, RMC, VTG, GSV, GSA) and in the PIC i will select the data i need

Or are you saying

i have to select the type of data or format up front (i.e. by programing the GPS to send only through the format I’m interested in, and so at the PIC side i only receive that data type or format.

Which of the two is closer or is the correct way things happen

Thanks again for your help, and looking forward to your reply

By default most of the GPS will send all the sentences (GLL, GGA, RMC, VTG, GSV, GSA) every second at 9600 baud.
You can program your PIC to decode only what you need.

And yes you can also configure your GPS to send only the required NMEA sentence at required interval.
To configure your GPS you need to send special NMEA input messages. Unfortunately NMEA input messages are different for different chipsets.
check your GPS datasheet for more details.
Thanks for that clarification
Actually i never was planning to send commands or to configure the GPS (if i could avoid it)
I’d rather receive everything and manipulate/select what i want at the PIC side
i think avoiding tampering with the GPS chip is the safest thing and that’s what I’ll do

Thanks again for your help,
Best regards

No it will provide everything upfront. You will have to disregard what you dont want.

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