We need a 25khz PWM signal from our PIC18F65K22 microcontroller, but by mistake, when laying out the PCB, I have connected the track to the CCP10 pin instead of the CCP8 pin. Page 245 of the micro’s datasheet says that the CCP module is disabled for the CCP10 pin in the PIC18F65K22 device.
The pin with CCP8 is non-connected on our PCB. Is there any way that we can internally connect the CCP8 pin to the CCP10 pin so that we get the PWM functionality on the CCP10 pin even though the CCP module is disabled for the CCP10 pin?
PIC18F65K22 Datasheet:
We need a 25khz PWM signal from our PIC18F65K22 microcontroller, but by mistake, when laying out the PCB, I have connected the track to the CCP10 pin instead of the CCP8 pin. Page 245 of the micro’s datasheet says that the CCP module is disabled for the CCP10 pin in the PIC18F65K22 device.
The pin with CCP8 is non-connected on our PCB. Is there any way that we can internally connect the CCP8 pin to the CCP10 pin so that we get the PWM functionality on the CCP10 pin even though the CCP module is disabled for the CCP10 pin?
PIC18F65K22 Datasheet: