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Getting error while doing optimization of power amplifier in ADS 2022

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Junior Member level 1
Dec 15, 2022
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In power amplifier, I wanted to optimize output power. So I set a goal for Pout. And tried optimizing, but getting error as optim cannot do cost evaluation.
Please help in sorting this issue in ads optimization.
Attaching the screenshots,

Thanks in advance


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Your Optimization Goal Limits are wrong. You defined >47dBm at first column then you limited between 20-35dBm. Either you should define "Greater Than" OR "Between Limits" but not both.

that limit used is for Pin. Like for that input power range, I should get that pout as greater than 47dbm.
I defined greater> 47dbm for Pout.

Does that dBm(vout[1]) expression work in data display?

It might be just a simple typo: the function is dbm() with small letters.
If that doesn't work, try adding the reference impedance as a second parameter: dbm(Value, Zref).

I did not understand why you used "Pin" as a variable ?? What is your goal ??
An optimization variable can be defined in a component as "Optimization Variable" and you define in Component's Properties, Pin is a fixed Power Level for a Source and there is no relationship with Optimization variable.
If you want to sweep Pin during Optimization, you cannot do this. Optimizer will find a different value for each Pin value. It doesn't make sense to me.

Can you post your project file as *7ads ( zipped project archive file )

Iam attaching the zip file. Please help in sorting this issue.

Thank you


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Dear Friend,
My final conclusion is those remarks :
-You don't know how to design a Power Amplifier so your problem is NOT how to use Optimization Block
-Your problem is poor knowledge about Amplifier Design/RF Microwave Techniques
-A single transistor CANNOT handle this Power Level.
-You have to GET Load Pull data from the Foundry to Match for Optimum Delivered Power for each section.
-There must be Combined and Identical Power Amplifiers to reach to this Power Level
-A single Transistor can handle 24-26dBm standalone (tentative essay) so primary power level is not enough.
-Finally , you have refer to the Foundry to get some help. Otherwise you can not come out from this issue.
-Designing 28-32GHz Power Amplifier needs very serious knowledge and experience. I recommend you to get advice from the other people and refer to more experienced guys.

Hi sir,
We have designed 2 stage source-load pull schematic. But for privacy issues. I have shared you the error part of the circuit.
If you can please solve the error which we are getting will be helpful for us.


Dear Friend,
My final conclusion is those remarks :
-You don't know how to design a Power Amplifier so your problem is NOT how to use Optimization Block
-Your problem is poor knowledge about Amplifier Design/RF Microwave Techniques
-A single transistor CANNOT handle this Power Level.
-You have to GET Load Pull data from the Foundry to Match for Optimum Delivered Power for each section.
-There must be Combined and Identical Power Amplifiers to reach to this Power Level
-A single Transistor can handle 24-26dBm standalone (tentative essay) so primary power level is not enough.
-Finally , you have refer to the Foundry to get some help. Otherwise you can not come out from this issue.
-Designing 28-32GHz Power Amplifier needs very serious knowledge and experience. I recommend you to get advice from the other people and refer to more experienced guys.
As he said, do we need to contact really foundry people for further proper design of Power Amplifier?
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