Gerber to DXF translator

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autocad to gerber

Egliu, please read the forum rules.

I search onlyu a Freeware and/or Shareware.

Best, Skywalker.

dxf to gerber free

Try a free Gerber viewer like the one on or the ones suggested above.
Then install a Postscript printer on FILE: and redirect to a Postscript file.
Now read this file in Ghostscript/Ghostview and convert to DXF.
This last step can also be performed using the command line tool 'pstoedit'. The Ghostview GUI does nothing but call pstoedit if you ask it to convert to DXF.

I hope this is good enough for your purposes.

dxf gerber converter

Try a free CAM tool from Reliant - Excelcam. Good and free. Gerber to DXF translator work OK.
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gerber to dxf conversion

another interessant method :

use gcpreview by graphicode ( FREE )

after install a Windows MacIntosh Printer ( postscript ) and make output only on file not LPT

after you can import the output file with ghostscript and ....

6 * F


I have the PCB Data base in Allegro. How to convert
into DXF. Please suggest clear steps

gerber 2 dxf

Hi Eskimo !

Your suggest it's very OK !

ExcelCAM are FREE, and are a good gerber editor, the DXF translation work fine !

I suggest it, because respect the board rules !

Eskimo thank you very much, all the best.


autocad gerber

You can try linkcad. It is free....

Use google to look for the keyword linkcad.

dxf 2 gerber

oh,how much freeware for gerber tran!!!1
but how many guys use them???!!

converting gerber to dxf

ExcleCam is an excellent program - the only thing missing is HPGL import otherwise if you don't need to export to a PCB design package it is comparable to CAM350. The latest version of GCPrevue is supposed to import gerber and allow export to DXF as well as gerber editing and export, - I havn't had time to check it out.

I used free and shareware utilities for many years for gerber editing and file translation - most were DOS based - some were -

PRINTGL - Excellent HPGL printing utility
PCGerber - early shareware version of CAM350 - the very early one allowed 22000 data items.
GCPrevue - the DOS based version was much faster than the windows based version and it handled virtual memory flawlessly.

Some of these can still be found at (last time I looked.)

In case you're wondering back then these were found on bulletin boards.


I checked out GCPrevuePlus and it is not free! it now costs $495.00 US - the only unlimited free windows based gerber editor is ExcelCam.


free gerber to dxf converter

Hello, All

Thanks for above your shares.
I also check about the products from Graphicode, there are some differences between each program.
You may check this on **broken link removed**
and **broken link removed**

Difference is, between GC-Prevue and GC-PrevuePlus, only the freeware is GC-Prevue not GC-PrevuePlus.

Good luck.

gerrber to dxf

Hello, all

I'd just reviewed ExcelCAM. Thanks to Eskimo.
It's also great, esp. autoimport fuction is good. Autoimport is almost to C@M350.
Except only a thing export is not supported. They only support saveas fuctions with their aaa.gwk format.
It's now free, I'd recommend to all.

Good luck.

free gerber translator

I have checked ExcelCAM. It' very good, now FREE, translator.

Work well, for a gerber editing, and DXF out is fine.

I think only limitation of this great FREE software are the license (FREE), but need to download monthly.

If in the future the developers think to release a FREE license without monthly time limitation are vey good !

Best, Skywalker.

gerber to dxf translation

gerbview, not free

GerbView can export to the following Formats:
Gerber RS274X.
:wink: Autodesk DXF
Autodesk DWF
Adobe Postscript
Adobe PDF (Acrobat)
CGM Binary
Windows Metafile
Windows Enhanced Metafile

I also looking for free software, which translate gerber to excellon and or hpgl files. Please help.


dxf to gerber freeware

OUTLINER, Program for isolation milling. Gerber to DXF and HPGL. Cost?
DOS program.

Programm zur Erzeugung von Fräsbahnen aus Gerber- oder HPGL-Dateien
Mit Fräsweg-Optimierung
Mit Werkzeugradius-Korrektur
Mit Fräs-Simulation
Großer Blendenvorrat für mehr Freiheit bei der Konstruktion
:wink: Ausgabe der berechneten Fräsbahnen in DXF und HPGL
Bohrdaten-Ausgabe in HPGL
Einfache Bedienung
Gutes Preis / Leistungsverhältnis

gerber translation

thanks guys all these were a bunch of help if you just need to view files there is ViewPlot which is a great freeware program (can buy if more stuff is needed)

.ger to .dxf converter

For convert gerber files into dxf format, Exelcam are best choice ! FREE and usefull.


**broken link removed**
that link for new version of linkcad

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◇PDF Convert PCB
◇Gerber To PCB

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