[ARM] Generating the variable frequencies from 1hz to 12hz using LPC1115 micro controller

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Hi Friends,

By referring the LPc11xx user manual, It clearly mentioned that it doesn't have the in built USb.
usually USB consists of 4 pins- Vbus(power supply),GND and 2 data lines(D+ and D-) ,so is it possible to assign the 2 General purpose I/O pins as a data lines??because USB data speed will be in terms of Mbps so..
then how to write USB drivers for this controller?? any hardware support??
please suggest on this

Need a help


Best suggestion is to use suitable controller. Using GPIO to drive USB is a bad idea for your current knowledge level. H/w layer will be time dependant and require significant amount of mcu resources.
Anyway, you can try parse ARV's or PIC's usb CDC driver to LPC... after 4-5 years of studing embedded systems.

Thanks For the Reply,

if I use the linux device drivers (linux platform) how can I dump the linux code on my target board(LPC1115)?? how to check this controller will support the linux version
and memory to store the data.

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