Generating 2 clock pulses in VHDL

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Newbie level 1
Feb 14, 2017
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Although I have completed a university course in digital logic, I am new to VHDL design and I am hoping if someone can help me create 2 clock signals which depend on the state of one another.

I am using a 50 MHz clock on a DE2-115 FPGA board that is used to create a 5MHz clock (named dclk) and a second clock named dload which is triggered after 8 dclk cycles. There is a pause (both clocks are 0) between the 8 dclk cycles and the rising edge of dload and another pause after the falling edge of dload and the start of a new set of 8 dclk cycles. I posted the datasheet with a picture of the two clocks and their requirements.

datasheet of the 2 clocks:

My attempt:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity comp_dclk is
    dclk_interval : integer := 20
    clk :   in std_logic;           --reference clock, which is 50MHz
    start   :   in std_logic;           --dload starts dclk
    dclk    :   out std_logic;          --desired dclk, 50MHz/20 = 2.5MHz, 20 clk cycles = 1 dclk cycle
    dload :     out std_logic
end comp_dclk;

architecture behaviour of comp_dclk is

    signal counter          : integer range 0 to dclk_interval := 0;
    signal dclk_counter : integer range 0 to 8 := 0;
    signal start_dclk       : std_logic := '0'; 
    signal dclk_done_flg : std_logic := '1';


--0.4 us per dclk cycle
--0.4*7+0.2 = 3us 
--8 dclk cycles last 3us
--dload period constraint:              min 1.55us 
--actual dload period:                  3us + 35ms

--dload pulse width:                    min 30ns +5 tol (*)
--dload falling edge to 1st dclk delay: min 45ns +5 tol (**)
--dload stays low and dclk cycles for : 3us
--dclk to dload delay:                  min 35ns +5 tol (***)

    dload_proc : process
        if(dclk_done_flg = '1') then                        --when 8 cycles of dclk is done in dclk_proc, dload process begins
            dclk_done_flg <= '0';                           --resets dclk flag
            wait for 40 ns;                                 --(***)pause required for ink cartridge
            dload <= '1';                                       --dload is 1
            wait for 35 ns;                                 --(*)dload is 1 for 35ns 
            dload <= '0';
            wait for 50 ns;                                 --(**)pause required for ink cartridge
        end if;
    end process dload_proc;

    dclk_proc : process(clk)
        if(clk'event and clk='1' and start_dclk='1') then
            counter <= counter + 1;

            if(counter = dclk_interval) then                --if counter is 20, reset to 0. End of a single dclk cycle
                counter <= 0;
                dclk_counter  <= dclk_counter + 1;      --counts 8 dclk cycles to begin or end dload signal
            end if;

            if(counter < dclk_interval/2) then          --dclk
                dclk <= '1';                                    --if counter is between and including 0  and 9, state is high
            else                                                    --if counter is between and including 10 and 19, state is low
                dclk <= '0';    
            end if;

            if(dclk_counter = 8) then
                start_dclk    <= '0';
                dclk_done_flg <= '1';                       --dload_proc is initiated 
                counter           <= 0;
                dclk_counter  <= 0;
            end if;

        end if;
    end process dclk_proc;

end architecture behaviour;
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Unless this is supposed to be simulation only VHDL the waits are not going to synthesize to anything, e.g. wait for 40 ns;

If you need to do things after a certain amount of time you need to include a counter to count off clocks that meet the minimum required delays.

i.e. 50 MHz clock (20 ns period)
so 40 ns count from 0-1 (40 ns)
for 35 ns count from 0-1 (40 ns)
for 50 ns count from 0-2 (60 ns)

you should just make an FSM that generates the DCLK and the DLOAD control signal.

Is your code intended for synthesis ?
Because statements such as:
if(clk'event and clk='1' and start_dclk='1') then
wait for 40 ns;
Don't describe real life logic...

First of, all, I don't think this is going to synthesize-you can't use "wait for" statements, they're normally used in test benches.
Secondly, I didn't look at your code too closely, and there are more than way to do any task, but, personally, I'd probably do this with a state machine.
Thirdly, you didn't really ask a question, you just posted a block of code. Did you simulate this? Did it work?

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