Newbie level 1

Welcome everyone. I'm having a big trouble with implementing gabor filter to image enhancement. The Gabor filter is
f(x,y:θ,f) = exp (-0.5 [ x_theta^2/ + y_theta^2/]) * cos(2*π*f*x_theta)
where x_theta and y_theta are
x_theta = x*sinθ + y*cosθ
y_theta = -x*cosθ + y*sinθ
Here is my code:
But my image is not enhanced after convolution. Instead I receive image looking like white noise... Could someone help me with this?
f(x,y:θ,f) = exp (-0.5 [ x_theta^2/ + y_theta^2/]) * cos(2*π*f*x_theta)
where x_theta and y_theta are
x_theta = x*sinθ + y*cosθ
y_theta = -x*cosθ + y*sinθ
Here is my code:
Gabor Filter
for(row=5; row<=height-5; row++) {
for(col=5; col<=width-5; col++) {
for (i=-5; i<=5; i++) {
for (j=-5; j<=5; j++) {
x_theta = i*sin(thetaArray[row*width + col]) + j*cos(thetaArray[row*width + col]);
y_theta = -i*cos(thetaArray[row*width + col]) + (j*sin(thetaArray[row*width + col]));
exp_temp = -0.5*((pow(x_theta, 2)/pow(sigmaX, 2))+(pow(y_theta, 2)/pow(sigmaY, 2)));
gaborArray[i+5][j+5] = exp(exp_temp) * cos(2.0*M_PI*(1/ridgeFrequency)*x_theta);
// convolution filter with image
gaborTemp = 0;
for (i=-5; i<=5; i++) {
for (j=-5; j<=5; j++) {
gaborTemp += (float)pixels[(row+i)*width + (col+j)] * gaborArray[i+5][j+5];
imageAfterGabor[row*width + col] = gaborTemp;
But my image is not enhanced after convolution. Instead I receive image looking like white noise... Could someone help me with this?
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