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Freelance pcb designer

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Stereo C

Newbie level 3
Newbie level 3
Jun 7, 2011
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Hi I am looking for a freelance pcb designer for a reasonable price

Hi, what is it about? any details on the project that you can spare?

Hi it is for a audio preamp containing a equalizer crossover and other features I have most of the schematics ready they are all relatively simple designs

what are the schematics on? i.e. eaglecad, porteus? would it be a sigle or doble sided?

i am working as a freelance for the last 10years. Experience on Allegro, Altium Designer6 & PCAD200X. i can provide you design on cheapest rate. contact me or send me PM.

Hi the schematics would be on eaglecad and single sided thanks

ok my rate is 3.83 us dollars per square inch at a minimum of 3 boards. in case you would only need 1 we can figure something out


We are a group of PCB designers with extensive design experience in Eagle cad and our working rates are very reasonable. If you are interested please contact us on


I'm looking for a Freelance PCB designer to help me with BGA routing. I'm using Altium Designer & I'm trying to outsource the BGA routing part of my project. Please send me an email for more details I'm trying to get this job done ASAP.

Thank you.

hi i have a 7 year experience of pcb layout about high speed, high dense and high count pcb layout.i want to make career as freelancer .price does not matter


This is Padma, my boss from Singapore, is looking for a *freelance electronic circuit board designer *with the following qualities:

Has Worked on the electronic circuit board designs of any consumer type camera or mobile type of devices with camera functions

Has knowledge in firmware encoding that is able to set colour and light sensitivity algorithms to device

Able to work with product designer remotely through *skype*

Able to fabricate proto-type and provide production advise

Design of the camera is not high end

He has a condition that the candidate **must sign a non-disclsoure contract *before being told what this is about. *

Please mention the *price /quote details*

He is also looking for a *Product designer *with the following qualities:

Worked on retro '70s product designs previously

Able to work with other's involved remotely through skype

Able to fabricate proto-type and provide production advise

Able to provide 3D render and artistic renders



Hi Padma,

please give me your conduct mail id or skype id am working as pcb designer

i am a pcb deigner in pune, (India). i make pcb`s for students and hobbyists alike. You can contact me for your needs. contact no : 9970293197

Hai Padma,

This is R.SUSANTH. B.E freelancer doing all PCB design related jobs in Tamilnadu(India).And i have 7 years experience in the above mentioned field and also having knowledge of the following PCB Design Software’s,
 PADS (Mentor Graphics)
 CAM350

We are having good experience in the following boards,
 ATE Boards(Probe Card Boards)
 Commercial PCB Boards

you can send me the sample job, if you are satisfied with the job we can proceed forward.

Waiting for your valuable reply.
Thanks & Regards
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I am a DUT board designer for the past 5 years, at presently i am using allegro, auto cad for board designing and for schematic i am using orcad & pads. I am using the autocad for the pcb designing so i predict that we will be do our best price with satisfactory quality for your above mentioned design.


I am also looking for opportunities in the PCB Layout (digital,analog,mixed,high speed) and PCB CAM Front End Engineering and quoting services for pcb manufacturers. I also have in debt knowledge in pcb manufacturing and pcb assembly.

I am very competitive and always finish the jobs on time.

Who needs my services?
1. Circuit designers
2. PCB Manufacturers

If you are intrested I can be reached at
Thank you for your attention.

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