FPGA synthesizes and simulates correctly but doesnt work on hardware

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Newbie level 5
Mar 11, 2019
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Hi, I'm trying to write a simple program for sending data from the fpga to a computer through a usb to rs232 converter, Ftdi Ft232rl. I want to send 2 bytes of data then '\r\n'. I am using a lattice MachXO3L-6900C FPGA and simulating with Active-HDL lattice edition. Also I am new to FPGAs so I dont really know what I am doing as I am teaching myself how to use it. Could someone help me find out what is going on and how to fix it. This is the overall view of the program

CompClock is always outputting the clock signals, in this case its 133Mhz from osc_int port (it is the clock generated by the fpga's internal osc) and the P_UARTCLOCK is a 10Mhz clock.
CompUart is supposed to output the serial data on P_UARTDAT, when it transfers 4 bytes UARTREADY pulses for one clock cycle and resets the module to send everything again. I'm having two problems that I have no Idea how to fix the uartclock and the uart compontent itself.

The Uartclock is working in the fpga but using a logic analyzer I found the it was outputting an unstable clock signal which switches between 1.33Mhz and 2Mhz waveform below. this clock signal is generated from the internal 133MHz by lattice's PLL, so I don't know why it is so far off. when simulating this works correctly and I have a 10MHz clock. this the the overall view of the clock component

the Uart component is outputting nothing on the fpga, though it outputs on the simulation. So I have no Idea what might be wrong other than the clock here is the map for the uart component
I am keeping every file on github **broken link removed** in case if someone wants to see.
The the structure in the VHDL files is like this
  • CompClock

    • CompPLL (Lattice generated)

  • CompUART

    • CompRS232
    • CompDataSelect (where the 16 bits data is seperated into two and \r\n is sent one after the other)

here is the vhdl main vhdl File and the clock vhdl file
library  ieee;
use  ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity Main is
	 port ( 
	 --T_test: out std_logic;
	 P_UART_TX: out std_logic
end Main;

architecture behav of Main is
	signal S_MainClock : STD_LOGIC :='0';
	signal S_UARTClock : STD_LOGIC :='0';
	signal S_TX_DATA   : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := X"AB7C";
	signal S_UART_READY: std_logic; 
	signal S_UART_RESET: std_logic :='1';  
	-- synthesis translate_on
		port (stdby : in std_logic;
		      osc_int: out std_logic;
			  p_UartClock : out std_logic;
			  P_resetclock : out std_logic 
				P_UARTDATA: out std_logic ;
				UARTREADY: out std_logic;
				P_CLK: in std_logic; 
				P_Data: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
				P_Reset: in std_logic;
				P_STDBY: in std_logic

	CompClock: Clock
	-- synthesis translate_on
				STDBY => '0',
				osc_int => S_MainClock, 
				p_UartClock => S_UARTClock,
				P_resetclock => S_UART_RESET
				P_CLK => S_UARTClock,
				P_Data => S_TX_DATA,
				P_STDBY => '0'	
	--T_TEST <= S_UARTClock;	
end behav;

library  ieee;
use  ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

-- For Main Clock --
library machXO3l;
use machXO3l.all;

entity Clock is
	 port (stdby : in std_logic;
		   osc_int: out std_logic;
		   p_UartClock : out std_logic;
		   P_resetclock : out std_logic 
end Clock;

architecture Clock_behav of Clock is
	signal S_InternalClock : std_logic;
	signal S_mainClock : std_logic; 
	signal S_UARTClock : std_logic;  
	signal S_PLLEN : std_logic;
	signal CLK_DIV : std_logic_vector (13 downto 0) := (others => '0');
	-- synthesis translate_off
		GENERIC (NOM_FREQ: string := "133.00");
	-- synthesis translate_on
		PORT (STDBY : IN std_logic;
			  OSC : OUT std_logic
	attribute NOM_FREQ : string;
	attribute NOM_FREQ of Clock : label is "133.00";
	-- synthesis translate_on
		PORT (CLKI : IN std_logic;
			  ENCLKOP : IN std_logic;
			  CLKOP : OUT std_logic;
			  ENCLKOS : IN std_logic;
			  CLKOS : OUT std_logic
	Clock: OSCH
	-- synthesis translate_off
	GENERIC MAP( NOM_FREQ =>"133.00" )
	-- synthesis translate_on
	PORT MAP (  STDBY => '0',
				OSC => S_InternalClock
	CompPll: ClkPll
	Port Map( CLKI => S_InternalClock,
			  CLKOP => S_UARTClock,
			  CLKOS => S_mainClock,
			  ENCLKOS => '1'
	-- clock divider
    process (S_UARTClock)
        if (rising_edge(S_UARTClock)) then
            CLK_DIV <= CLK_DIV + '1';
        end if;
    end process;
	S_PLLEN <= not stdby;
	osc_int <= S_mainClock;
	p_UartClock <= S_UARTClock;
	P_resetclock <= CLK_DIV(13);
end Clock_behav;

You've got a lot of things wrong here and you're trying to fix everything at once. Bad idea.

I would suggest you first resolve the clock problem. You're expecting 10MHz, but getting an asymmetric 1MHz clock. I wouldn't say it's 'switching between 1.33 and 2MHz'. What you've shown looks a very stable 1MHz clock with a 67% duty cycle.

Once you get the clock working, start debugging the rest of the system.
What you've shown looks a very stable 1MHz clock with a 67% duty cycle.
barry, you need to see an optometrist :wink:, there is definitely a pattern but it's not a 67% duty cycle. We have low going pulses of equal duration with alternating high pulses of 1x and 2x of the low pulse width.

Once you get the clock working, start debugging the rest of the system.
Agree completely, that weird clock behaviour needs to be addressed first. Though I can't make heads or tails from the description of the design, nor understand anything since the design is buried behind a bunch of schematic based blocks that the tools want you to use to permanently lock you into that FPGA companies products.

barry, you need to see an optometrist :wink:, there is definitely a pattern but it's not a 67% duty cycle. We have low going pulses of equal duration with alternating high pulses of 1x and 2x of the low pulse width.

Yeah, you're right. But it IS periodic.

ok, I`ll try to fix the clock first I just can`t imagine why it is acting this way in the hardware or why one part does nothing

update, I put a simple clock divider written in vhdl and the clock signal is mostly at 125kHz, with sometimes with a one 10us pulse. I'm going to look at the signal generated by the internal oscillator and see how it is behaving (the logic analyzer i have isn't fast enough for 113MHz)

Why are you using a logic analyzer, use a oscilloscope to look at the clock and if you expect there are issues with glitches, then use a scope with a persistence mode and see if there is anything wrong with the clock.

Makes me wonder if you were having a sampling problem using a logic analyzer to look at the clock instead of a proper scope.

I wonder where the parameters for the ClkPll primitive are set? Is it a wizard generated component?

I wonder where the parameters for the ClkPll primitive are set? Is it a wizard generated component?

it is a wizard generated component.

We don’t know what your “simple clock didvider” is, but ASSUMING that’s not the problem, then maybe your 133 MHz clock is the problem. Is it properly terminated? Are the voltage levels correct? Are your timing constraints correct?

sorry for taking so long. you were right, I had forgotten that my logic analyzer isn't fast enough for this task. I checked the 10 MHz UART clock with an Oscilloscope and the clock seems to be stable at 10 Mhz, the value it is supposed to be.

The Uart portion however is not outputting anything. So the problem must be either in UART.vhd, DataSelect.vhd or UART_TX.vhd.
UART.vhd is supposed to connect the other two scripts and not much else, I created this block just to be easier to use in main.vhd
UART_TX.vdh has the actual uart component that gets parallel data and sends the data, 8 bits at a time this code was taken from nandland.com.
DataSelect.vhd controlls UART_TX. since my data is 16 bits it separates the data into two bits and new line( in uart_tx sends 32bits)
Do you have any recommendations in how to proceed debugging the hardware, I'd imagin in dataSelect, but I honsetly can't figure out where?

Is it properly terminated?
From the netlist Analyzer that diamond generates, I believe that it is (all but the port P_STDBY of UART.vhd, it is declared but it isn't being used in the code)

Are the voltage levels correct? Are your timing constraints corr
I don't know how to check that. The only resource the I actually used to learn how to use a fpga is the book Free Range VHDL, so there is a lot I don't understand and am still trying to figure out.

I think you are confusing pin-mapping with termination. Just because the signal shows up in the netlist doesn't mean it's terminated properly on the PCB. Are you using a custom board, or an off-the-shelf one?

If you use an oscilloscope, you will be able to see what your voltage levels are. And your constraint file will define what voltage levels (e.g. LVCMOS, LVTTL, etc.) the the FPGA is expecting. Timing constraints are also defined in a constraint file: something as simple as declaring the maximum clock frequency.

I think you are confusing pin-mapping with termination. Just because the signal shows up in the netlist doesn't mean it's terminated properly on the PCB. Are you using a custom board, or an off-the-shelf one?
it an off the shelf fpga

I'll try to find this constraint file, but I have no idea where diamond keeps it, i looked at some of the timing analysis view tool but I dont think thats it. out of curiosity is it the spreadsheet view?

I haven’t used Diamond in quite a few years, but I believe the constraints file is *.lpf. I don’t recall if that’s just placement or timing as well

I`m looking at the reports generated by diamond and I found this in latice LSE: top,
WARNING - synthesis: c:/users/daniel/desktop/projects/fpga/lattice/rs232/main.vhd(14): using initial value "1010101101111100" for s_tx_data since it is never assigned. VHDL-1303
WARNING - synthesis: c:/users/daniel/desktop/projects/fpga/lattice/rs232/main.vhd(9): replacing existing netlist Main(behav). VHDL-1205
Top module name (VHDL): Main
Loading NGL library 'C:/lscc/diamond/3.10_x64/ispfpga/xo2c00a/data/xo2alib.ngl'...
Loading NGL library 'C:/lscc/diamond/3.10_x64/ispfpga/xo2c00/data/xo2clib.ngl'...
Loading NGL library 'C:/lscc/diamond/3.10_x64/ispfpga/mg5g00/data/mg5glib.ngl'...
Loading NGL library 'C:/lscc/diamond/3.10_x64/ispfpga/or5g00/data/orc5glib.ngl'...
Loading device for application map from file 'xo3c6900.nph' in environment: C:/lscc/diamond/3.10_x64/ispfpga.
Package Status:                     Final          Version 1.16.
Top-level module name = Main.
WARNING - synthesis: Initial value found on net T_test will be ignored due to unrecognized driver type
WARNING - synthesis: Initial value found on net r_TX_DV will be ignored due to unrecognized driver type
WARNING - synthesis: Initial value found on net o_SendData will be ignored due to unrecognized driver type

GSR instance connected to net \CompUART/CompDataSelect/i_reset_N_73.
WARNING - synthesis: Initial value found on instance \CompUART/CompDataSelect/s_counter_i0 will be ignored.
WARNING - synthesis: Initial value found on instance \CompUART/CompDataSelect/s_counter_i1 will be ignored.
WARNING - synthesis: Initial value found on instance \CompUART/CompDataSelect/s_counter_i2_reset will be ignored.
WARNING - synthesis: Initial value found on instance \CompUART/CompDataSelect/s_counter_2__N_70_I_0_reset will be ignored.
WARNING - synthesis: mRegister \CompUART/CompDataSelect/s_counter_2__N_70_I_0_reset is stuck at Zero
Duplicate register/latch removal. \CompUART/CompRS232/r_TX_Data_i4 is a one-to-one match with \CompUART/CompRS232/r_TX_Data_i6.
Applying 200.000000 MHz constraint to all clocks

WARNING - synthesis: No user .sdc file.
Results of NGD DRC are available in Main_drc.log.
Loading NGL library 'C:/lscc/diamond/3.10_x64/ispfpga/xo2c00a/data/xo2alib.ngl'...
Loading NGL library 'C:/lscc/diamond/3.10_x64/ispfpga/xo2c00/data/xo2clib.ngl'...
Loading NGL library 'C:/lscc/diamond/3.10_x64/ispfpga/mg5g00/data/mg5glib.ngl'...
Loading NGL library 'C:/lscc/diamond/3.10_x64/ispfpga/or5g00/data/orc5glib.ngl'...
All blocks are expanded and NGD expansion is successful.
Writing NGD file UART_impl1.ngd.
looking I LPF files in the project directory directory I found two( there were many but they were for devices it seems) here is what is in them

#FREQUENCY 200.000000 MHz;
LOCATE COMP "T_test" SITE "B4" ;
I don't think this is what you are asking for so I am still looking around. Looking at the lattice diamond users guide I got the impression that most of the information is separated into chucks that are viewable withing the diamond.
the only place I am finding voltage levels is in the power calculator that give me this report:
Power Calculator - Report
Lattice Diamond  Version - Power Calculator
Copyright (C) 1992-2018 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation.
All Rights Reserved.

Power Model Information
Format Revision : 1.11, 1.03, 1.00, 1.02 - Software
Values Revision : 1.16, 1.08, 1.00, 1.05 - Software
Power Model Status : Final    Version 1.16

Design and Device Details
Power Project Name : Untitled - User/Default/NCD Provided
Design Name : Main - User/Default/NCD Provided
Family : MachXO3L - User/Default/NCD Provided
Device : LCMXO3L-6900C - User/Default/NCD Provided
Package : CABGA256 - User/Default/NCD Provided
Operating : Commercial - User/Default/NCD Provided
Part Number : LCMXO3L-6900C-5BG256C - User/Default/NCD Provided
Process Type : Typical - User/Default/NCD Provided

Power Supplies
Vccio 3.3 : 3.300 V - User/Default/NCD Provided
Vccio 2.5 : 2.500 V - User/Default/NCD Provided
Vccio 1.8 : 1.800 V - User/Default/NCD Provided
Vccio 1.5 : 1.500 V - User/Default/NCD Provided
Vccio 1.2 : 1.200 V - User/Default/NCD Provided
Vcc : 3.300 V - User/Default/NCD Provided

Power Summary
Power Est. Design Vccio 3.3 : 0.000000 W
Power Est. Design Vccio 2.5 : 0.000011 W
Power Est. Design Vccio 1.8 : 0.000000 W
Power Est. Design Vccio 1.5 : 0.000000 W
Power Est. Design Vccio 1.2 : 0.000000 W
Power Est. Design Vcc : 0.101461 W
Total Power Est. Design  : 0.101472 W

Icc Summary
Icc Est. Design Vccio 3.3 : 0.000000 A
Icc Est. Design Vccio 2.5 : 0.000004 A
Icc Est. Design Vccio 1.8 : 0.000000 A
Icc Est. Design Vccio 1.5 : 0.000000 A
Icc Est. Design Vccio 1.2 : 0.000000 A
Icc Est. Design Vcc : 0.030746 A
Total Icc Est. Design  : 0.030750 A

IO Bank Summary
IO Bank Used : 2

Peak Startup
VCC : 0.0790 A 
VCCIO : 0.0170 A 

Thermal Summary
Board Selection : Medium Board
Heat Sink : No Heat Sink
Air Flow : 200 LFM
Ambient Temperature : 25 C
Effective Theta-JA : 18.85
Junction Temperature : 26.91 C
Maximum Safe Ambient : 81.77 C

Utilization Details

LUTs Used : 43
Dist. RAM Slices Used : 0
Ripple Slices Used : 4
Registers Used : 36
Dynamic Power (W) : 0.000000
Static Power (W) : 0.014010
Total Power (W) : 0.014010

PCLKs Used : 9
SCLKs Used : 7
ECLKs Used : 0
Dynamic Power (W) : 0.000000
Static Power (W) : 0.000528
Total Power (W) : 0.000528

I/O Used : 6
Dynamic Power (W) : 0.000000
Static Power (W) : 0.000404
Total Power (W) : 0.000404

Block RAM
EBR Blocks Used : 0
Dynamic Power (W) : 0.000000
Static Power (W) : 0.000524
Total Power (W) : 0.000524

PLL Used : 1
Dynamic Power (W) : 0.000000
Static Power (W) : 0.021228
Total Power (W) : 0.021228

DQSDLL Used : 0
Dynamic Power (W) : 0.000000
Static Power (W) : 0.000017
Total Power (W) : 0.000017

DLLDEL Used : 0
Dynamic Power (W) : 0.000000
Static Power (W) : 0.000015
Total Power (W) : 0.000015

I2C1 Used : 0
I2C2 Used : 0
SPI Used : 0
TC Used : 0
Dynamic Power (W) : 0.000000
Static Power (W) : 0.000015
Total Power (W) : 0.000015

CLKDIV Used : 0
CIBTEST Used : 0
MCLK Used : 1
SED Used : 0
Dynamic Power (W) : 0.036611
Static Power (W) : 0.028119
Total Power (W) : 0.064730

The second block specify timing; the third specifies pin location, but only for two pins. You seem to be missing a bunch of constraints.

Read the user manual about how to specify constraints.

The second block specify timing; the third specifies pin location, but only for two pins. You seem to be missing a bunch of constraints.

my design only has 2 outputs(uart clock and uart data), everything else is supposed to be internal.

Read the user manual about how to specify constraints.
thanks, but aren't constraints more for optimization? either way I reading lattice's Lattice Diamond Tutorial and Lattice Synthesis Engine for
Diamond User Guide

thanks, but aren't constraints more for optimization?

Absolutely not. If you don’t tell the tool what pins to use, it will put them anywhere it likes. If you don’t tell what the operating speed is, it might work. Or it might not. Or it might work sometimes.

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