FPGA Programming for Beginners

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xilinx based fpga
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Hi, I am now doing my final year project regarding FPGA , ISE and MATLAB, and the time is very rush and limited for me. I am now using FPGA Xilinx Spartan 3A evaluation kit. My main objectives is to use MATLAB SIMULINK to constrcut a block diagram and using Xilinx system generator to generate HDL code. After that load the program into the evaluation kit to perform output. Due to the problem that i am new in this field and XILINX, i would like to ask anyone can give me some idea in order to solve this problem. Thank you...


so you are using sysgen...well i never used sysgen you can find some related document in xilinx ftp server... try googling xilinx ftp you will find little dsp documents..

How can i control the push button on the spartan 3a kit by using matlab simulink and load into the board? I couldnt find the push button in simulink...

How can i control the push button on the spartan 3a kit by using matlab simulink and load into the board? I couldnt find the push button in simulink...

Usually push button are used to reset the FF

I guess that you might need to connect pushbutton as reset pin or some trigger signal

pls send anybody for me the coding of an " ofdm implementation using fpga"..........pls send to me guys i am having review on this month ending

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