Forums for GSM Modules/Modems

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Member level 3
Jan 12, 2006
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Dear all,
I am a UG student and working on my final year project.
I need to use a GSM Module/Modem in my project.
Plz tell me any forums related to these modules where i can
get information and discuss my problems.
any response on this regard would be helpful


You can ask you questions here.
or just serch for your question on the board
There are many posts about GSM modems here

Hossam Alzomor

What kind of GSM module you want to use?
I'll use either Sony Ericsson GR47/64, but i dont think if GR47 is still readily available.
GR64 is only GSM Module from SonyEricsson.

IThe modem that we are using in our project is g24 by motorola.
I want to use its gprs feature.
what i nned to do is to tranfer a data file from the TMS320C6713 DSP.
plz help me in this matter.

If you want to use GPRS suite, I think you should to make sure of:
1- Do you sure that your Company cellular offer this service (GPRS service)?
Probe your SIm card with a Cellphone and (ie) connect to internet.

2- Do you sure that your choosen module support GPRS?
If your answer is yes then you should to learn how to drive it through AT
"extended" commands. (this process is similar to diver a modem, but with any
diffeences). Read in your hndbook, datasheet, etc. about this procedure.

3- Now you just to "design" a small rutine to drive to module from a ever uC or uP
Of course, you may to know how working this uC or uP


Hey FSio,
Thankyou very much for replying to my querry.

Yes my modem supports the gprs and my cellular company also provides the celluar service.
i just want to ask you that how can i design the application to interface my modem with rhe DSp Processot that i am using in my project.
any response in this regard would be helpful.

To connect your GPRS/GSM module to uC or DSp, you should to consult to the module's datasheet to know which pins you should to use.

Generaly, most similars applications is using a few pins of modules. They are:
- 4 pins for interface serial asyncronic (RS232 protocol but TTL level or 3V level, It depends on power supply of your module)
- 1 o 2 pins to "wake-up" or "turn-off" to module.
These pins are connected to uC or DSP

Now your module needs to connect to SIM holder too.

Finishing, you must have special well-taken care of in design SCH and PCB of the Power supply for you application. I recommend to use Switching Power Supply designed with lost losses. It is obtained placing output-CAPacitor of low resistance series (LSR). Moreover you must design the Power Supply to 2-3 Amp. Soever, you must to consult to the datasheet of module.


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