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formula convertion problem

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Member level 4
Oct 3, 2011
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Hi so i have this formula AFR = V*0.228+0.70 .. Where V is the adc value in volts , but i dont know how to convert it into volts and use it in the formula.

if u using 10 bit ADC then read is between 0 to 1023 right. so 0 is 0V and 1023 is 5v . if configuration is correct. so 2.5v if adc value is 511.5. so put this voltage to your equation .

Just multiply the adc read value with the step size.V=Stepsize*adc read value (mV)
Step size can be calculated by
step= ADC Vref/2^adc resolution.
if you are using 10bit adc and Adc vref=5V then
step=5/2^10 mV=4.8mV

Thanks i figured it out , and now it works , but now i have to figure out how to display it on 3 7-segment displays . For example if i get AFR = 14.7 and break it down to 1, 4, 7 how do i multiplex it on to the 7-segments, so that the first = 1 second = 4 .. etc. ?

turn off all digits.
Assign SSD mask equivalent to 1 to SSD data port and turn ON digit1 for 5 ms then turn off all digits.
Assign SSD mask equivalent to 4 to SSD data port and turn ON digit2 for 5 ms then turn off all digits.

repeat continuously

What compiler are you using?

Common Cathode Masks

0 0x3F
1 0x06
2 0x5B
3 0x4F
4 0x66
5 0x6D
6 0x7D
7 0x07
8 0x7F
9 0x6F

Common Anode Masks

0 0xC0;
1 0xF9;
2 0xA4;
3 0xB0;
4 0x99;
5 0x92;
6 0x82;
7 0xF8;
8 0x80;
9 0x90;

digit[] contains number split and it is char type
CA[] or CC[] contains masks and is also char type

SSDPORT = CA[digit[x]];

Here is the code i have menaged to write so far ....
unsigned short one, two, three ;
unsigned char ch;
unsigned int adc_rd;
long tlong;

void main() {
    INTCON = 0x20;                      // All interrupts disabled
    ANSEL = 0x04;                    // Pin RA2 is configured as an analog input
    TRISA = 0x04;
    ANSELH = 0;                      // Rest of pins are configured as digital
    TRISD = 0;
    TRISE = 0;

    ADCON1 = 0x82;                   // A/D voltage reference is VCC
    TRISA = 0xFF;                    // All port A pins are configured as inputs

    while (1) {
      adc_rd = ADC_Read(2);

        tlong = ((5000/1023)*(long)adc_rd)/10   ;
        tlong = (tlong*2)+1000;
        one = tlong / 1000;
        two =  (tlong / 100) % 10;

and here is the circuit ......

What should it display, Integer or real value? What type of display is used, CC or CA?, The circuit is incomplete. You need NPN/PNP transistors to enable/disable the segments. It can't be guessed from your circuit. Zip and post mikroC project files + Proteus file.

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