Forcing a variable in Modelsim or questasim simulation

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Member level 5
Dec 21, 2012
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Hello edaboard,
how can I force a variable/signal in modelsim/questasim to all ones.

suppose I have a signal with vector length 512 so how can I force to all one's

thank you,

From the ModelSim SE Command Ref manual : The force command allows you to apply stimulus interactively to VHDL signals and Verilog nets. Since force commands (like all commands) can be included in a macro file, it is possible to create complex sequences of stimuli.

Alternatively a force can also be applied from the ModelSim/Questa GUI. Just right click on the signal/net and you should be able to find the 'Force' option (or something very similar to this process; currently I am not running ModelSim/Questa).

However for a variable, 'force' will not work. Variables cannot be forced to a new value. If you want to change the value of a variable, you need to use the command change.

Are you talking about VHDL or Verilog? VHDL variables cannot be forced.

force <path>.<sig> FFFFFFFFFF (plus lots more Fs)

But I ask why? signal forcing should only be for error injection, not stimulus.

Whatever may be the reason, to me it seems that the OP has not performed a basic google search. Of course he has mixed up signals and variables.

Are you talking about VHDL or Verilog? VHDL variables cannot be forced.

force <path>.<sig> FFFFFFFFFF (plus lots more Fs)

But I ask why? signal forcing should only be for error injection, not stimulus.

Hello TrickyDicky,
we have an option in verilog coding like {256{F}} something like that can we force (error injection or whatever maybe) through wave window

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