FM Receiver and Transmitter in Pspice

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Jul 6, 2020
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HI everyone , i'm looking forward to build a radio fm with only transistors and also other basic components
I had looked in the net and found some simple schematics , like :


my project also contains simulation and report , I wonder how can i simulate these circuits in pspice orcad capture , or any other analog simulators like multisim
I would appreciate any help

Just copy the schematic or node representation into the simulator and run it.
Note that it is highly unlikely you will get any meaningful result. The 'transmitter' is an unstabilized free-running oscillator and will be greatly influenced by its construction and nearby objects. The receiver is a super-regenerative design, it has very poor frequency stability, is greatly influenced by its construction and surroundings and most importantly is AM, not FM!

It will receive strong FM stations but using slope detection which generally means poor quality and rejection of interference and adjacent stations. It will also radiate quite a lot of interference!


Well i did not copy the schematics , instead i placed the parts in the pspice
Can you suggest other usable circuits?
For transmitter i only need an input signal and then get a fm signal in the output which is around 88Mhz to 104Mhz
And for the receiver exactly opposite

The simulation is important for me to work properly

Those projects are really crappy. I would frankly like to say ..
88-108MHz is not a Low Frequency Band, it's RF Band and RF techniques must be carefully applied.It's clear..
Today, double sided PCB costs are really low and SMD components are everywhere , cheap and available.
If you intend to build your own Transmitter and Receiver, I suggest you to dig more in Internet and find more professional looking projects, not like these craps.
Simple is better but not too simple as ..

I'm aware of the amount of crap these projects are , but im doing this for university and they don't need a professional one
actually the amount of time and cost is not affordable for a professional one

I'm aware of the amount of crap these projects are , but im doing this for university and they don't need a professional one
actually the amount of time and cost is not affordable for a professional one
If you want to learn something from whatever you do, you should follow "Red Book" of each subject.
Because this book has been written maybe by millions of experiments and of course frustrations. Professional does not mean " expensive and highest quality". Professional means that the system has been builded-up in according within the Red Book.

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