flying probe test basics

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Advanced Member level 4
Jun 14, 2006
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can anybody detail how the flying probe testing works for detecting a short on PCB?

More details here:
Electroviews - Test

I want to know how it will be done from the electrical perspective. Will there be any voltage/ current fed on to the testpoints.If yes is it programmable?

I want to know how it will be done from the electrical perspective. Will there be any voltage/ current fed on to the testpoints.If yes is it programmable?

I answer it in Your second thread.

Of course engineers design and determine what points are tested, with which voltage, and what current, results are monitored. Also capacitance, resistance, inductance can be monitored on determined points. Flying probe also check placement of parts and their locations on pcb. All of this summarized and PCB on end get Pass mark or Failed!

What flying probe can do depends from manufacturer model and cost!

Additional example :

For military PCB manufacturing, after PCB pass all tests, flying probe make photo in high resolution with unique ID, then PCB goes to other manufacturing process, like sealing with epoxy,...
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But in the link "What is aFlying Probe Test" they didnt give how it was electrically done. I only understand from your text below that voltage and current are programmable. I was looking for link that would give detailed information on the following text you said:
"Of course engineers design and determine what points are tested, with which voltage, and what current, results are monitored"

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