flow to extract analog block lef, exmpe, tools

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Sep 5, 2009
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Can anybody share me that what's your flow to extract analog block lef in your company? For example, the tools? the extract flow?

I'try to extract block lef with abstract, but found there are many errors with the exported lef when I import it into encounter, this is my first time to use abstract, so I am worried that is there any other better way to generate analog block lef?

Thanks for pay attention to this post!

Re: block lef extraction

i used to work on laker for layouts and laker had a direct option to export lef from gdsII....

i had to do some settings in laker tech file to make laker identify bonudry,pin,block layers!!


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block lef extraction

First you need to know what lef is and what information it contains. Lef is BPV or FRAM description in ASCII format.

Traditionally, ABSTRACT is used to generate b-level lefs, in other tools, for example, we have geNewMakeMacro in Astro to generate block (PR finished) FRAM view (or lef).

I think most of tools could generate LEF, you can even write your lef by hand if you are familiar with its rules.


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block lef extraction

you can use abstract generator to dump the LEF file. But for that, your tech file should have P & R rules, otherwise you will end up in Error.


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block lef extraction

thanks all.

My tech file contains pr info and rules. But the generated lef was not I want, for example, there
is one power line with width 10um, length 20um in the block, I want the lef file open all the power for above metal, but the generated lef usually only open the two ends of the power metal, so I need to modify the lef file hand by hand, this is not a good idea I think.

Thanks for any info in further.

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