[SOLVED] Flat screen monitor - poor resolution

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Full Member level 5
Feb 1, 2006
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Melbourne Australia
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I was given a second hand computer by a friend, but before he gave it to me, he reformatted the hard disk in order to remove his data. Thus everything was deleted including the operating system.

Although I'm not a computer expert, I have built several computers in the past using secondhand motherboards, without any problem. But in those cases, I had a hard disk that had XP, Windows 2000 or Windows 98 already installed on it. Thus, I simply had to repair XP or upgrade the O/S to XP and re-register it.

In this case, I installed XP successfully, but the screen resolution is very poor. It is set at the default minimum and I cannot change it.

I assume that I need drivers for the motherboard - an Intel D845 GERG2.

I accessed the Intel website & used the "Intel chipset software installation utility" & explored other links on their site, but I could not resolve the issue.

The disc that came with the monitor only has the User Manual on it, no driver.

It is a Chimei CMV 938D flat screen monitor; it worked with all of the other computers that I have built.

I also looked at the Chimei site for a driver, but had no luck.

I have attached 3 photos of the screen in order to show you the situation. (I could not use the "Print Screen" function because of the poor resolution)

Any advice will be appreciated.



  • Device Manager.JPG
    241.8 KB · Views: 94
  • Display Properties.JPG
    236.2 KB · Views: 142
  • Moniter tab.JPG
    231.1 KB · Views: 82

This is not a monitor problem, you need to install the video card drivers.
If the motherboard has on board graphics adapter then get the drivers from the motherboard website, if you are using a separate card (PCIe or AGP slot) then download the drivers from the graphics card manufacturer.


You don't have the actual graphic card/chipset driver installed. Apparently you didn't find the right one. The monitor is rarely a problem. It's just plug-n-play and don't use a driver.

Your device panel picture shows that you haven't installed a network adapter driver, a multimedia sound driver and graphics driver

Thanks for the responses.
I don't have a video card, I'm using the hardware VGA function on the motherboard.

alexan_e, I know I need a graphics driver (I don't need the other 2), but I cannot find one in the Intel site.

I spent about 2 hours exploring their site & trying various links but to no avail.

I tried to register on their support forum, but I'm still waiting for the confirmation email.

Who makes the motherboard? If it's truly an "Intel" board, then it's probably in a Gateway or similarly-branded make of PC. If you pop the case, see if you can find a name like ASUS, Biostar, ABIT, Gigabyte, PCChips, etc. Then hit their website for chipset drivers.

Additionally, if you can find the VGA chip on the mobo, look for the part number and google it with "xxxxxx drivers" or "xxxxx chipset drivers". You might have some luck finding someone's website that already found and cataloged the drivers for you. I've done this a couple times in the past with reasonably good luck. The ones that didn't pass muster, I just installed a cheap-o video card that got the job done (usually from my spare parts collection, or super-cheap... like $5).

I agree with all the other posts. The monitor is "dumb" and will accept and display whatever is sent to it, as long as it's within it's range of operation (resolution, refresh rate, etc). The VGA chipset drivers are the key.
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You can search in google for your motherboard drivers. Video, Audio and Lan, just input your "motherboard model"+ drivers. Good luck.

Thanks for the reply. Since posting this thread, I have accessed the Intel site & downloaded the Video driver.

Thank you, I found that file after some assistance from others & a search of the Intel site.


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