fingerprint recognition system

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Newbie level 3
Dec 16, 2010
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does anyone has any idea of how to start with fingerprint recognition
i am doing cepstrum based recognition
any ideas plz help


Fist step : Extract featured patterns ( x and y )
Later : Use neural network to perform comparisions.

how to extract feature patterns
I mean can u elaborate the method
Can u help me with storing the input fingerprint(which i can use for comparison)
thank u in advance

what about image processing
when the finger get closed to the plate sensor trigger the controller to start the camera () high resolution camera may be scanner like printer
a picture captured and then the controller send the information to computer which makes image processing like make details more sharp
and compare to saved one of Admin
if the comparision correct >>> then open door or power on the system
if not ACCess denied message


For our Portable Fingerprint Verification product we used ready-made modules.

I found 3-major module supplier, ZK Software (China, low cost, have its limitation), Suprema (Korea, quite good, end-up using this), SecuGen (USA, very good, like it very much, but cost factor does not agree). I do have another few more module supplier which we purchase and evaluated.

If you are looking for the detail on how fingerprint verification is done then it's a bit too complicated to explain in forum. Each manufacture have their own propitiatory detection method and there is world level competition to see who's is fastest and accurate.

.:ROMOSYS TECHNOLOGY::. Industrial Automation, Electronic Design Service, Productivity Monitoring System, Machine Monitoring System, Short Memsage System, Nurse Call System

I am doing a project on fingerprint recognition system using cepstrum based technique.
I need some help on how to extract the feature vectors of a fingerprint which i can use for comparison or verification.

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