fingerprint image procesing in matlab

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Im not very sure about minutiae extraction, as Im not doing using this method. You can search along the topics here, if not mistaken, somebody posted some code about minutiae extraction here.

hi, I'm very interest in this project!

Added after 6 minutes:

where can i but the fingerprint sensor? I'm in china.

Hi I m also doing same for this project but have to add some database so that it can identify the same fingerprint with the same fingerprint being 'reload' again
Currently I stuck at Minutiae extraction and also how can I create a dtabase using Matlab?

Thanks in advance

Added after 2 hours 2 minutes:

Hi there ,first of all ,sorry for give you all trouble .
After read the Thai 's thesis ,I already understand but how can I actually make a 'box' same like the Thai's thesis in figure 3.5 ,can somebody sow me the method?


hello friends
u may find database and other information from these sites

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//Fingerprint database set available at


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