Final year project fpga

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Newbie level 4
Sep 14, 2010
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dear group fellows my name is usman zafar.
i m doing electronic engineering from buitems quetta.
me in 7th semester.
dear the problem is that we r going to make our final year project in fpga.
but unfortunately no one is here to help us.
we r studying sameer book to learn the basics of verilog.
we have also command on xilinx 10.1
we r doing all this by own..
on yahoo groups i searched u people group.
i found i ray of hope that i can takre help from u people..
u tell me ur course outline of verilog..
dear if u have any coding of verilog plz arrange 4 me..

we r much worried abt our project because in this semester we will have to give proposal..
plzz help us..
hope u will reply
waiting 4 ur +ve response..

Reading Samir Palnitkar's book is a good start for learning Verilog. What is the project that you are planning to implement ?

sir me want to design usb or cryptograph..if u have better idea plz tell me
plz send me codin plz

---------- Post added at 19:36 ---------- Previous post was at 19:34 ----------

yes me reading this book

it is not clear about what project are u gonna do..and aim..
for example..USB..
u can design the phy part..
or maybe the protocol layer part..

In crypto, you can do a project of encryption and decryption engine. Now a days it is required almost all communication equipment.
Well first you finalize the topic...up to what extend you can do...then further will start our discussion. Best of luck

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