FIFO - CMOS, number of input clock cycles required

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Newbie level 5
Dec 16, 2011
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I was asked a FIFO question but to find the number of input clock cycles required and not the usual question about the depth. Please post your answers, this is not a very tough question but took me some time due to lack of practice mostly.

Given: The read cycle in a FIFO is 500MHz whereas the read cycle is 300MHz. We can fill the FIFO with a maximum of 100 entries. so the question was how many input clock cycles are required to fill the FIFO.

hey ramyyy,

which one is the correct frequency for read cycle. You wrote both 500MHz and 300 MHz as read cycle frequency.

Sorry !! Write cycle is 500 MHz and Read is 300 MHz.

Anyone can solve this question please?

You have to find the number of clock cycles to fill the FIFO and the input clock cycle here will be 1/500Mhz = 2ns. Is this what you asked?

Assuming that I read/write at every clock edges:
I can write 500 entries and at that time 300 would be read off. This leaves a deficit of 200. (ignoring FIFO size).
So we have to write 250 entries and at that time 150 would be read off leaving deficit of 100.

So 250 input cycles would have made FIFO full.

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