Explanation on Transistor's Power

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Jun 21, 2011
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Can someone explain to me what is Leakage, Internal And Switching Power in simple terms for me? Thanks in advance.

this is a CMOS transistor that i am working with. thanks

P total power dissipation= P dynamic switching power + P short-circuit power + P static biasing power + P leakage power.

P dynamic switching power
CMOS circuits dissipate power by charging the various load capacitances whenever they are switched. Power is dissipated across the PMOS transistor while the load capacitor is being charged and across the NMOS when the load capacitor is being discharged. Power consumption depends upon switching frequency, load capacitance, and supply voltage.

P short-circuit power
Due to direct current path from Vdd to ground during output switching

P static biasing
Are related to the current that flows when the gate terminals are not changing.
Ideally CMOS circuits do not present static power dissipation. However, real systems present degraded voltage levels feeding CMOS gates and a current flow from the power supply to ground nodes is observed.

P leakage power
Due to subthreshold & gate leakage

More details about

Low Power Design

Diode leakage under reverse biasing will also contribute to leakage power.
Specially, the leakage is big for big power switch transitors.

am i right to say tht when Vinput is bigger thn 0.7V, Voutput becomes 0V?

You can not say when Input is .7V output will be 0. Cos that depends on /Both nmos/pmos which area of operation they are in.
Please refer Transfer Curve for an inverter. and MOS operating area.

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