Experts in electronics engineering often say, "Analog circuit design is like black magic." What is that supposed to mean?

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Feb 8, 2021
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Experts in electronics engineering often say, "Analog circuit design is like black magic. What is that supposed to mean? And What is the most challenging in analog circuit design nowadays?

Magic thinking is prescientific. People scent magic if the haven't yet fully understood what's going on.

This characterization of Analog Design has been going on for some time, since
late 70's when schools became more focused on digital design and analog
considerations fell into 2'ond place. A great rupture in the continuum

Similar to the transition made, for most, not all, engineers made from the tube era
to solid state.

I like the fact digital engineers are slowly but surely being dragged back into analog
area due to explosion of mixed signal chips and IOT demands on sensors and precision.

Be not afraid, if you can master, and you can, digital design, one can do the same with
Analog design. It is not voodoo nor should it be.

Regards, Dana.

Similarities to "magic":

- requires a dedication to both "book learning" and "bag of tricks"
- outcome is not entirely determinstic regardless of care
- experimentation is part of the process (by various means)
- the uninitiated "don't get it" and the path to initiation is narrow, long

It's not "Analog circuit design is like black magic" it's "microwave electronics is like black magic"!

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