Ethernet using lpc1857

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Member level 2
Feb 23, 2012
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I'm using LPC1857 on MCB1800 board to write a C code to perform Ethernet communication.

I used the functions provided in the demo program to set up a connection but whenever I ping using my Laptop, it always says destination host unreachable.

I'm using Keil uVision4 IDE and using the functions defined in the example of BSD Server for the MCB1800 board in the Keil folder.

I think I'm not able to provide the controller with the IP address.

Any help as to how to perform Ethernet communication on the above said board would be very great.


I've tried the following things:

Got the MDK PRO license.
Used the program given by Keil BSDServer.
Set my PC's IP and set the Default Gateway of my PC as the IP of the board.

When I connect them the port LEDS orange and green constantly glows. But when I ping the board it says Request Timed Out.

So, I added the IP and MAC of the board in the ARP of my PC. Yet it gives Request Timed Out.

Any guidance or help in that matter would be great.


even i got stuck in implementation. is it necessary to get MDK PRO license ? how much it cost? can i use evalution version?

Yeah, it is necessary to have an MDK Pro License to work with Ethernet... My Institute had a 1 month free trial license and they had not renewed it, so I'm not sure about the cost of license...

But you do need the license for Ethernet programming...

Good Luck, and if you find a solution to Ethernet communication, please do let me know...

Hope it helps...

Is MDK Pro compatable for LPC23xx series(LPC2368)??

Well, thank you padmaneela...
Are you the author NPN?
If yes then I believe your transmission has started....
If not good Luck

And are you using the sample code or made one yourself?
I had tried with sample code but it didn't work for my controller

yes.. I am using KEIL Uvision standard version not MDK Pro and my Controller is LPC2368.
once check are you missing any sequence?
i am using telnet
in that we have to give port number also.. o 80
change ur lan settings go to General Properties -> Internet protocol (TCP/IP) -> Properties change IP adress there.

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