Embedded Linuxbuilding on the kit

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Full Member level 5
Dec 26, 2006
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I have AT91 Arm kit and Angstrom linux bootstrap, bootloader source code.

I have to compile that code and implement it on the AT91 kit but dont know how?

I have a windows machine and linux machine available with me.

So, which machine shall I use and how to compile those source code???

Well I didn't understand properly:?

AT91 is supported under busybox.

You can use busybox to create your root-fs for AT91. Then use chroot environment to go into the chrooted jail then you can compile the code you want.
But you have to enable BINFMT_MISC kind of thing under linux to chroot to arm root-fs.

Hope this helps. You can contact me for further clarification.

thank you for reply!!!

I will explain my requirement in detail...

The host machine has centOS 5.0 linux installed. And the target device is AT91SAM9M10G45EK arm processor.

Now, I have the source code of bootstrap, uboot, kernel and rfs of the embedded linux which I have to install on the target device. But, for installation I must compile the source code and get the binary file of it.
If I compile the source code on the host linux machine, it will be compiled for 32 bit processor(i.e. the host processor)

So, in order to compile the source code for the target device, I must have the cross compiler installed on the host machine which will compile the source code on the host machine for the target device.

Please let me know the name of cross compiler, toolchain for the same purpose.

Ok ok Now I understand your problem. Thanks for clarification

Well There are several cross compiler available for several target.
Else you can create your own.
You can use crosstool-ng for making your cross tool chain.
else busy-box
personally I like this cos I am reluctant to work more.:lol:

Else you can use scratch-box open embedded and several lot of tools

hope this will solve your problem.

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