electronic circuit problem and fsm

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Newbie level 3
Oct 11, 2010
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1)how to drop 4~5V to 1~2V? i have try used the parallel resistor n bulb, but still not get the result.

2)now im doing project-vending machine by using de2 board altera..how to design 4 product for 3 different price which is 1.20, 1.40, 1.60
the insert coin is 10,20 and 50 cent..can u give the fsm block diagram for this project..

1. you can use OpAmp to do that easily. Just minus 3V, OK.
2. I don't understand your question, so many abbre.?

can u show the schematic diagram for opAmp?

vending machine-input coin 10,20,50cent
there are 4 product for each price which is $1.20(4 product), $1.40(4 product) and $1.60 (4 product) that's mean total products is 12.
i just wanna program for one product and one price which is $1.40 only..
i can figure out total of state that need to used for one product..can u?

If your trying to drop the voltage down, you could consider using a zener diode between the point where you want to drop the voltage and ground, wired up so that it will only conduct at over 1~2 volts, this will keep the voltage at a steady 1~2 volts?

Dont really understand the rest of your post, sorry I can be of more help.

it's about finite state machine (fsm). display on altera DE2 board

For your FSM, only the price select the product or are there some others inputs?
4 products for 3 prices how to know for product at the same price?

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