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ECP- Atmel AVR C Tutorials and Other Educational Sites

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Mar 12, 2010
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Southwest, USA
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Please post your recommendations or critiques of tutorials and educational sites concerning Atmel AVR Embedded C Programming .

I'm always on the lookout for any online C tutorials and other eductional resources.

One recommendation is the following site:

Covers Atmel AVR C programming on Windows, Linux and Mac platforms

This is (going to be) a easy tutorial for starting out with basic AVR programming, and also a reference collection so that it sits in one place on the site

AVR Tutorial - Step-by-step how to start AVR

Most tutorials skim over a lot of information. Not this one. This tutorial assumes you have some basic knowledge, but tries not to make any other assumptions. This tutorial will demonstrate the following development process:

Write C programs in AVR Studio
Compile them into a .hex file using the AVR-GCC compiler (which integrates into AVR Studio)
Simulate the target AVR chip and debug the code within AVR Studio
Program the actual chip using the AVRISP mkII USB device, which is attached to our target chip with a special 6-pin cable
Once programmed, the chip runs the program in your circuit.

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WinAVR comes with Programmers Notepad UI by default. It is very powerful editor, but if you want more robust UI with better project management abilities you can try Java based Eclipse IDE. It is universal open source IDE which supports almost any compiler by using plugins. Eclipse has some nice features that makes it attractive, like Subversion integration, code completion in editor

This document was written give a basic introduction to some of the specifics of AVR programming, assuming you already have a handle on C. It approximates the order I came to understand things while learning to program the AVR. I'm doing a lot of this "the hard way", there are a number of macros in avr-libc or avrlib to do much of this but it's important to understand the underlying principles.

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This is an in introduction to programming of AVR microcontrollers using C as a language. The avr-gcc was originally developed for Unix systems. Today it is available for almost any system and very widely used. This article will therefore also cover Windows. The setup on a Mac is almost identical to Linux.

Tuxgraphics AVR C-programming tutorial

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