eagle layout to any other pcb layout

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Member level 3
Dec 10, 2009
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Hi every body

1) i was having a layout in eagle but i need to convert them in to any other pcb layout software such as allegro,pads, cadstar, altium,is it possible if yes please tell me how to do it other wise can isave it as ASCII file and import in any other pcb layout software :-(

2)i was having total 3 pcb layout in eagle i just want attach them in one pcb is it possible if yes how to do it please help me i was in urgent :-(


To create a single PCB from two or more Eagle PCBs you can simply close the schematic and the cut & paste the layout. However that will mess up the component numbering because Eagle will not let you have duplicate references. The way round that is before you try to merge them, you use the ULP copy-silk-screen.ulp. That will copy the silk screen to another layer. It adds 100 to the layer number by default so 21 becomes 121 etc. You need to then make sure you use 121 etc in the CAM processor to generate the Gerbers rather than 21.


Hi Keith

Thank you for your replay i was trying it but i am not able to do it so can tell me in simple way and also can i select the whole layout at a time and then by using cut are copy option can i do it and sorry for my late response my there was a problem with my login details so once thank you for helping me can you Gide me again:-(


---------- Post added at 11:19 ---------- Previous post was at 11:19 ----------

Hi Keith

Thank you for your replay i was trying it but i am not able to do it so can tell me in simple way and also can i select the whole layout at a time and then by using cut are copy option can i do it and sorry for my late response my there was a problem with my login details so once thank you for helping me can you Gide me again


Yes you can select the whole layout to copy & paste, but as I explained you need to close the schematic to do that. Also, it will renumber the silk screen layers so if you don't want that to happen you need to use the ULP copy-silk-screen.ulp. At which point of the copy process are you getting stuck?


yes i was stuck in the copy process to select the whole schematic i was the option ctrlA here i am attaching some jpg files please see them once:-(



  • 1.JPG
    193.6 KB · Views: 124
  • 3.JPG
    193.7 KB · Views: 120
  • 4.JPG
    199.9 KB · Views: 120

CTRL-A isn't a "copy all" function unless you have programmed it up to be.

Ensure all layers are turned on.

Select "group" - it should be an icon, or type GROUP in the command line and hit enter. By default I think it is also F12.

Mark the area you want i.e. the whole board.

Select CUT (pair of scissors icon or type CUT).

Click the GO icon (traffic lights at top).

Now click the paste icon (usually next to the scissors or type PASTE) and click where you want the new PCB.

This should all be done AFTER running copy_silk_screen.ulp. You seem to have almost got that far - you just need to select execute.


i can copy the whole board but i was not able to paste in another PCB, i was getting some error please go through the attachment once:-(


  • new.JPG
    125.9 KB · Views: 117

My guess is that you are exceeding the maximum board size for the version you have.

If you are just trying to panelise the PCB, you should be able to do that from the Gerbers. There are free programs to do that I believe, but I have never used them.


I heart fully tank you for your support which you are giving for me, my problem is i am trying to do panelise ijust want to copy this PCB file in to other PCB file ,i just want to make to PCB layouts in to one PCB layout :sad:

Why do you want to panelize it? Most PCB manufacturers will do it for you anyway - just ask.


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