each PIC has its own VPP

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Newbie level 5
Jul 1, 2008
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hi there!

I'm working around an ICD2 clone with a variable VPP programming voltage like in potyo2 clone
I've read the 3d on this forum about this and pic12f683 but my idea is to manually select VPP when the pic to be programmed is known

My question: there is any document, pdf, table, ... where I can find a simple list of all PICs and the MAX/MIN vpp for each one?
The datasheet of any pics has this information but there are lot tof pics available so I'm looking for a document with a summary

any help?

There is a programming file that gives those specs somewhere on Microchip. I looked at the table of Vpp for all of the 16 series, and they are a real dog's breakfast of Vmin and Vmax. I was quite surprised at the variation. I have no doubt that a good part of the programming problems with pics is out of spec programming voltages.


I know PICkit2 but ICD2 support a wider range of pic under debug mode

Maybe I can discover the information I'm looking for with a bit of reverse on the SPI data that pic16f877a send to mcp41010

Do you know where MPLAB takes the right OS each time user selec a different type/family of pic?
I know (from an old edaboard 3d) that 877A don't check back VPP, just send the right command+data to mcp41010 and this means that each OS has the this data hard-coded somewhere
With this data in hands should be pretty easy to know the generated vpp 'cause mcp41010 datasheet is available and step-up IC datasheet is available too


I see on MC site and there are some pdf about "flash programming specification" but there are many specification for each pic family... pic16fxxx has many specification depending on xxx, 18f family too and so on

are these the documents you are talking about?

thank you all

The PICkit2 programs & debugs most PICs now, all the modern 16F & 18F PICs. New 24 & 3x parts are added with every MPLAB release. It's simply an awesome programmer plus you get a UART tool & Logic analyzer too.

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