Member level 3

Hi to all,
I have a technical question which is actually a theoretical one:
What's the result of driving an analog frequency through a digital component, For example - trying to feed a sinousadle wave through a shift register and receiving a digital frequency at the output?
I guess the answer depends on the characteristics of the analog signal and the digital component - accuracy, amplitude rate and the amount of time that the analog wave exists at a logic state (There's a term for that I think...).
Thinking about it theoretically my answer would be, at least for the specific case, why not? If the amplitude rate of the
analog wave is included in the '1' logic rate of the shift register so the frequency of the digital output will be the same as the
analog input.
I have a technical question which is actually a theoretical one:
What's the result of driving an analog frequency through a digital component, For example - trying to feed a sinousadle wave through a shift register and receiving a digital frequency at the output?
I guess the answer depends on the characteristics of the analog signal and the digital component - accuracy, amplitude rate and the amount of time that the analog wave exists at a logic state (There's a term for that I think...).
Thinking about it theoretically my answer would be, at least for the specific case, why not? If the amplitude rate of the
analog wave is included in the '1' logic rate of the shift register so the frequency of the digital output will be the same as the
analog input.